Side stories 1

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I'm putting in a few omakes!

Omake 1: Opposites

Yukiko Nozumusachi had been underestimated by her enemies more than she can count.

With her fair appearance, and the fact she always wore a dress, people would not expect for her to be a strong Pokémon Trainer.

But she possessed powerhouse Pokémon in her party, which always took people off guard.

Appearances can be deceiving.

Although he's called an idiot, Luffy knew that too.

He's been underestimated by Marines all the time.

He's so innocent, yet so very mature at times when it was needed most. To be so naive, but yet to know the split moment when his friends were in trouble, as if a part of him was bound to them. Like their pain was his own.

Despite his otherwise harmless features, he could quickly rearrange the bone structure of a face with his mere fist alone if he wanted.

Although he never thought he'd need to know how love works until Yukiko appeared.

She always made him feel strange.

And once they became a couple people would make a doubletake.

Luffy was stubborn, reckless, impulsive, wild, irrational, childish, and a huge glutton.

Yukiko was motherly, patient, kind, soft and gentle though determined.

However, it was her world that drew Luffy in.

The way she talked of her Pokémon and her adventures, he was hooked. And before he knew it, she was teaching him so many wonderful things, the patience he desperately needed, the “play it safe” route instead of jumping into it like he usually did.

He also loved hearing her talk as she told him of her world and the wonders there. And it made him want to visit it more!

And folks would be amazed of how long they've been together.
Omake 2: Chess

Sanji blinked once.



Then he looked back and forth between his opponent and the chessboard.

"How....?" He said.

Luffy............he got Sanji checkmated.....

It's unheard of!

"How.....did you beat me.....?" Sanji asked.

"Yukiko knew how to play chess. She taught me!" Luffy grinned.

He learned........from Yukiko!

He actually learned something from Yukiko!
Omake 3: Nutrition

Luffy as far as the crew would say, loved meat.

Not a speck of vegetables.

However, once Yukiko came along, she found a way to get him to eat his vegetables.

"Aw, but I can't eat vegetables! I can't get strong from them!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Oh, well, I guess I'll have to give your dessert to someone else. I'm making malasadas." Yukiko shrugged.

Luffy flinched, then he shoved his vegetables down his throat.

"There, I ate my veggies! Dessert please!"

Yukiko smiled as she gave his some Malasadas but halted.

"Enjoy these slowly. Okay?" Yukiko asked.

"Okay." Luffy said as the two ate.

The rest of the crew watched in bewilderment.

If there was anyone that could make their captain eat vegetables, it's his woman.
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