Defending the Honor of Giants

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"I'll invite all of you guys to my home!" Dorry said and laughed, he then picked up Vivi, Carue, Yukiko and Pachi.

He lived right next to the large mountain, which upon closer inspection, it looked similar to some kind of cave system. Dorry was quite the gracious host, he made them a large bone of dinosaur meat.

As Luffy and Dorry chatted, Yukiko let her other Pokemon out so they could eat too.

"Oh, I've never seen these kinds of animals before." Dorry said curious.

Cue Sparks.

"Absol the Disaster Pokémon
Swift as the wind, Absol races through fields and mountains. Its curved, bow-like horn is acutely sensitive to the warning signs of natural disasters. Because of this Pokémon’s ability to detect danger, people mistook Absol as a bringer of doom.

Tyrantrum the Despot Pokemon
This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000 years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious but magnificent. Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.

Raboot the Rabbit Pokémon
Its thick and fluffy fur protects it from the cold and enables it to use hotter fire moves.It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with its feet, practicing its footwork.

Aerodactyl the Fossil Pokémon
Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times. Aerodactyl’s sawlike fangs can shred skin to tatters—even the skin of Steel-type Pokémon.

Genesect Paleozoic Pokémon
Over 300 million years ago, it was feared as the strongest of hunters. It has been modified by Team Plasma."

"Wait, three of them are Prehistoric Pokémon?" Vivi asked.

"Yeah, back home we have technology that can bring them back to life from fossils." Yukiko said.

"Bring them back to life?!" Luffy exclaimed sparkles in his eyes.

"Ohohohoho! Your world sounds interesting!" Dorry laughed.

And though it frightened Vivi, she was surprised that the three of them were becoming fast friends.

"By the way, what are you doing living on this island? Dont you have a home somewhere?" Luffy asked, curious about why Dorry was here.

"Yeah, This didn't seem like the type of place many would be in, even giants." Yukiko asked.

" I'm from a warrior's village called Elbaf. It's further along on the Grand Line. There're rules in my village. For example, if we start a fight in the village and both sides can't back off, we are judges by Elbaf's god. Elbaf's god always gives divine protection to the righteous one and lets the righteous one survive. I caused some trouble and this island is currently the site for a duel between another man and myself. The righteous one will win the duel and survive. Gegyagyagyagya! But we haven't been able to settle this for a hundred years." Dorry laughed

"You've been fighting each other for a hundred years?!" Luffu exclaimed, in disbelief.

Yukiko was just as surprised her face contorted into disbelief at the number. He looked young though...or semi-young. And could someone continuously fight another for a hundred years? Eventually they would learn every detail of the others fighting style, and be able to counter the other's every move. The fight would eventually just never be able to be stopped. Unless, one of them were to fall ill or be wounded outside of the battle.

"It's nothing, our lifespan is at least three times as long as an average human. Gegyagyagyagya!" Dorry brushed it off.

"Even if you survive that long, won't you lose your passion?" Yukiko asked.

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