Meeting Ace pt 2

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While the crew noticed Luffy was missing again.........Yukiko noticed something else............

"Hold it............Where's Pachi?!" She asked shocking the crew.

Luffy has found himself separated from his crew again.

Only this time, Pachi was with him. Apparently, the squirrel noticed Luffy straying away while watching Ace's fight, but they got lost following him too.

"That's weird. Where did everybody go?" He plops himself on a barrel, crossing his legs and arms. "That's weird…" he said, tilting his head. "I could've sworn they were right here with they're all gone."

"Pach, pach....." Pachi said a hand to her face.

"I guess giving you a chance to escape was pointless." A voice said from above on the building.

Luffy smiled as he spotted his brother. "Ace!"

"It's been a while, Luffy."

"How many years has it been?" Luffy asks.

Ace shrugs. "I don't know but you haven't changed much; you do look a bit taller though."

"Yeah, so do you." Luffy says as he pushes against his brother's arm with his hand.


"Other than your Devil Fruit Powers, you haven't changed a bit!" Luffy starts to win over his brother. "Remember when you would sneak into the field, eat a hundred watermelons, spit the seeds out like a gattling gun, and then run away?"

Pachi cocked her head to one side ears droop. 'Pachi…?'

"That wasn't me, that was you!" Ace grounds out.

"The farmers would chase you and you would scream like a girl!" Luffy continues.

"That was you too!" Ace responds. "I watched and laughed!" They're both starting to get red in the face now.  They struggle with one another for a few more seconds until the barrel is crushed under their weight. Pachi let herself get sprayed with fresh water; as she needed it for this heat!

"Guess we're still the same." Luffy says giving Ace a high five. "Just like old times."

Then Pachi leapt on one of Luffy's shoulders.

Ace finally notices the squirrel. "Who's this?" he asks, pointing at Pachi.

"Oh, this is Pachi, one of my crewmates. She is partner to another crewmate." he says. "Shes a Pachirisu!"

"Pachirisu!" Pachi greeted, raising a paw.

"Cute." Ace says, scratching Pachi under the chin who squeaked in approval. "Speaking of your crew, weren't they looking for you?" Ace asks, pulling a water canteen out of his pack.

"Yeah, though I was hanging around Yukiko and Pachi." Luffy says, "What are you doing in this country anyway?"

Ace paused at the mention of another name but then snorts, "I take it you never got the message I left for you on Drum Island. It doesn't matter, it was just to let you know that I would be in Alabasta for a few days; I'm here on some business." He sips some water. "I'm with the Whitebeard Pirates." he says before tossing the canteen to Luffy.

Pachi tapped Luffy's face to want a drink, and Luffy let her have some sips. "Whitebeard Pirates?"

Ace shows the tattoo on his back, the mark of the Whitebeard pirates. He then offers for Luffy and his crew to join the Whitebeard pirates but.....

"No thanks." Luffy says bluntly, and Ace laughs.

"Figures. That's too bad, cause Whitebeard is the greatest pirate I ever met. So I'm gonna help him be King of the Pirates; sorry Luffy."

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