•Chapter 6•

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"Quinn." I rolled over in the bed and groaned. "Quinn, wake up." I pulled the sheets over my face. "Come on, Quinn. You need to get up. Your mother is at the door." My eyes shot open and I jolted up in the bed. My head was inches from bashing into Celly's. "Celly? You're home. What time is it? Wait, why is my mother here?" The smell of axe body wash clung to his skin. The woody rosemary scent tickled my nose. He picked the towel up off the bed, continuing to dry his hair. "It's almost 1pm. I was in the shower when I heard her banging at the door.

She's demanding to see you." I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Celly stood up and walked back to the bathroom. He threw the towel in the laundry basket and brushed his teeth. He was naked in the same room as me all this time? My mind began piecing together images of him naked strutting around the house. I shouldn't think like that. My cheeks heated up from embarrassment. I shook away the thoughts. "Do I have to talk to her," I asked. Celly glanced over his shoulder, "That's up to you." I glanced down at my phone. There were ten unread messages and five missed calls. Falling back on the bed, I groaned out loud and rubbed my face vigorously. Why is she here? I rolled out of bed, stretching my arms over my head, and bending over to stretch my back. Celly turned off the bathroom light and closed the door. "Are you going to take a nap?" I asked. He shook his head, "Not right now. Figured I'd walk with you to the door. That way if your mother starts her crap, I can just slam it in her face." I wouldn't mind seeing that. He reached in his pockets, "By the way, I found these lying by the sink." I took my earbuds from his hand and stuffed them in my pockets, "I really need to keep better track of these." He chuckled. At this rate I might end up losing them entirely.

As we made our way through the house, I could see my mother standing in the center of the front doorway. Her arms were crossed over her chest, pushing her enormous girls up for all to see. A scowl was prominent on her face, her eyes burned holes into mine as we approached.

"Do you ever stay home anymore?" she asked. I lightly shrugged, "Depends." She rolled her eyes. Jolly pushed through her legs as he made his way inside the house. "Damn dog almost knocked me down. You need to leash that thing or throw it in a cage." Celly's body tensed up beside me. He bit his bottom lip and swung his arms behind his back, clenching his fists tightly into his spine. She made him angry. "Jolly is just a big puppy that's got a lot of energy. This is his home; he can go to and come from wherever he wants when he chooses."

She snorted. Her eyes averting mine, she scanned the inside of the house. "Celly said you wanted to see me? " I pointed to myself, "Now you have. If you don't have anything else to say, please be on your way." She gawked at me, her eyes widening to the point they would pop out, "How dare you speak to your mother that way." He took a few steps towards her, but my arm shot out to prevent him from getting any closer. "Mother, is there something you need?" I spat through gritted teeth. She narrowed her eyes and took a few steps further into the house. Deep growls rumbled from behind us near the sofa. "Contain that dog or I'll call animal control," she spat. This isn't your home. You can't treat them like how you do me.

"You will do no such thing," I hissed. "You are uninvited visitor in his home and that is his dog. Tell me what the hell you came here for or you can scurry back home." I could see the steam slowly pour out of her ears. I had talked back to her. She never liked when I talked back. All my life she drilled into my head that talking back to her was a quick way to get your mouth popped. Oh, did my mouth get popped quite a lot over the years too. "I have made an appointment for you tomorrow morning at an out-of-town clinic. Make sure you are at home and ready to go by 8am." I blinked. "An appointment? What for?" She fiddled with the loose strands of her blackish grey hair, "That's none of your concern. I would hate to have to drag you out of your lovers' bed, so make sure you are at home on time." Celly stepped forward, "She will be, now please leave." She looked him up and down, I could see the wheels turning in her head. She liked what she saw. Licking her lips, she grinned at him. "Don't worry cowboy, no need to get all riled up. I'm leaving." You're married and he's too young for you. God, mother just stop already.

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