•Chapter 19•

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"Good morning, sunshine!" I glanced over at Shaun as he shuffled out of the room a few feet down the hall from my own. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tapped my cheeks to wake up. I seriously need to try to get more sleep, I can't keep staying up like this much longer. "Good morning," I greeted him. He smiled, "I see you have that less creepy voice back. Good cause I was about ready to pee myself if that thing was still in control." I rubbed my hands up and down my face. He ran his hand through his messy black hair. We walked side by side down the hall towards the kitchen. "So, what's going on between you and Marcellus?" he asked. I wasn't quite sure how to answer. He quirked a brow, those hazel eyes bored into my skull. I sighed and looked over at him, "I am unsure of my feelings at the moment."

"Well you better figure those feelings out, darling. Not only do you have Marcellus sniffing after you .... get the doggy pun there? Anyways, you got another love sick puppy wanting your attention. I don't know if it's cause of y'all," he motioned up and down with his hand at his body, "Creepy primal mutant stuff or whatever but he's like totally wanting to hump your leg." I gawked at him," There will be no humping my leg. At all." He rolled his eyes, "So you say, I don't know you and Marcellus seemed to be close to humping..." I smacked his shoulder and growled. "Shutting my mouth, got it." I could hear the faint ringing of his cellphone. "You charged it?" I asked. He nodded,"Yeah had too. I couldn't sleep a wink while worrying about Shirley. Luckily, Penelope was there to be her rock while I was away."

"Who is Penelope?" I asked as we grew closer to the kitchen. I could hear Talia and Celly talking amongst themselves. "She's a girl at work I had liked for a while. Just recently before you know.... all of this ...we had talked about dating. She didn't actually confirm she wanted too but I'd say that kiss she gave me was the answer I needed," he rambled on. "She was actually going to sign up for the drug trial too, but she backed out." I nodded. "Strangely enough she knew all about you." I cocked my head, "What do you mean?" He shrugged, "She knew who you were before I even mentioned your name, it was weird but I figured maybe she had overheard me talk to Marcellus on the phone during breaks." Odd. I don't remember meeting a Penelope, I do remember Celly mentioning her before though.

"Then again I don't know how that's possible cause she's never at work very much." I narrowed my eyes and continued to listen to him ramble. Something didn't feel right. "I mean she's beautiful and all, but not a goddess like you or Talia." Wait, what. "Gross, Shaun. His aunt is almost in her Fifties." He rolled his eyes," She's still hot even in her forties. " I groaned loudly. He smiled and continued, "She's got really nice legs, and—" I clamped my hand over his mouth, "Please, enough. I don't want to hear anymore. I'm glad you found someone you care for deeply, Shaun."

"Care for who deeply," Celly asked from his spot at the kitchen table. The silver spoon full of buttered grits dripped into his bowl as he dangled it in midair only inches from his mouth. "Penelope, I was telling Quinn about the woman I work with." Celly nodded in understanding, "Oh yeah, her." He didn't seem very interested to hear anything else Shaun had to say, his blue eyes locked on mine and not once did he blink or look away. "I was talking with Marcellus about the plan I talked about last night, I found some medical supplies in the hall closet. If you and Atlas are still alright with going through with it, I'd like to get started as soon as possible," Talia said as she took a bite of her egg biscuit.

"I will do it, if it's absolutely necessary." The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I was so used to hearing my inhumane voice, but I was not prepared to hear it come from another, especially Atlas. It was deep and husky with a tinge of an animalistic underlining to it. Almost similar to my own but more manly. "I got to say I was not expecting you to sound so.... masculine in a sort of mutant way," Shaun uttered as he took a seat by Celly. "I will never get used to the voice changes, it's just so...inhumane yet human at the same time. Just odd. Very odd." Talia shook her head and finished off the remainder of her biscuit. "We can start now," I said. I held onto the staring contest between Celly and I. For some reason he seemed agitated this morning. I could sense Atlas moving closer from behind me. Is he jealous of Atlas?

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