•Chapter 23•

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I knew what happened but it felt so unreal. It was like I had taken a back-row seat to a porno I was starring in but wasn't in control of my own actions. I did know that having Atlas on and in me was so electrifying. I could still feel his fingers stroking me in all the right places. The way his lips brushed gently along my collar bone made my body shiver. The second I felt his sharp teeth nibble along my breasts did I realize I wasn't dreaming; I slowly peeked my eyes open. We were sprawled out on the queen size bed with silky sheets tangled around our entwined sweaty bodies.

His short hair was messy from our rambunctious coupling hours before. I could feel the tips of his claws gliding along my sides causing my toes to curl. "Atlas..." he lifted his head slowly, those green eyes of his scanned over my face as if searching for some secret answer to a question that was never asked aloud. He lifted his body up just a little from mine, I could feel his hard member pressed just below my belly button. If only he would slip it back inside, God the way it feels is wonderful. "Did you sleep well?" he asked as his hand lightly brushed the side of my face. I watched as the tips of his pointed ears twitched a little as if listening closely to something outside the room. I couldn't help my let my eyes travel down his body. He was fit, oh so very fit, maybe not as muscular as Celly was but his body was definitely drool worthy. I lifted my hand from between our bodies and lightly brushed the tips of my claws along his back, I watched as his muscles tensed up under my simple touch. I couldn't resist the temptation of this god like man before me. Lifting myself just a little I lightly brushed my lips against his, I could feel my body heating up once again.

I gripped his throat lightly with my other hand, a low growl vibrated within my chest as my eyes stared into his. "Tell me, Quinn", he leaned closer into my face, his lips barely touching mine, "What do you want?" I could feel my breathing quicken as my hearts beated loudly like a mariachi band. I could feel heat building up between my legs, the feel of his hard-on jerking against my body made me whimper lowly. "You," I whispered softly and nibbled at his bottom lip. Atlas moaned as his hand wrapped behind my back and pushed me further into his chest, his tongue lightly brushed against my bottom lip asking for permission to enter. I opened my mouth just a little to give him access to explore, our tongues danced and battled one another as the kiss deepened. I could feel his teeth lightly nibble on my lips.

A sudden knock at the door caused us to pull apart. Atlas growled deeply and stared at the door with annoyance. He pulled the sheets up over my body and rolled out of bed. I watched as he grabbed a pair of jeans from the closet and shimmied into them, his ass jiggled as he pulled them over his hips and buckled them up. My eyes scanned over his back and down his left arm, I blinked as I noticed the start of an inked tribal sleeve. The knocking continued. "Hold on, " he growled out. He yanked a dark long sleeve off the hanger and preceded to walk towards the door. I sat up in the bed with the sheets tightly wrapped around my body. I ran my hand through my messy knotted hair and yawned. I heard the click of the door opening and the sound of a man shouting excitedly, "Well done! I must say that was a splendid show you two put on. " I turned to see Dr. Federico strut into the room, his eyes landed on me and a large smile crept on his face. "My darling little raven, who knew you were such an animal in the sheets." I tightened my grip on the sheets as he approached the bed. I could see Atlas quickly make his way towards me. He shifted himself in between the bed and the doctor. "You never said anything about this room being connected to another," he growled. Another room? The doctor shrugged his shoulders, "This isn't a hotel, Mr. Jones, it's a medical facility. All testing rooms are connected so that medical personnel can keep an eye on the patients."

"You had them watch us knowing we had no control over ourselves," Atlas sneered, he leaned in closer to the doctor's face and bared his teeth. Wait, someone was watching us? I could vaguely remember much; I knew I wasn't myself as it silently had taken over. I suddenly remembered the disgusted looks on Shaun and Talia's face. My brows knitted together and I frowned. They had found me disgusting. My eyes widened at the thought of Celly. No, no. What if he saw?! "I can tell by your facial expressions, Ms. Blake, that you must just now be realizing whom your audience was. I must say I was saddened that your companions didn't feel as excited as I was but to each their own, I suppose. The other one though, I think his name is Marcellus? Oh yes, he was so angry I was afraid he would stomp his way over here and kick the door down. But he didn't, thank goodness." I could feel the tears slowly building up. I had hurt him. I couldn't help the fact I was attracted to Atlas. Our attraction to one another was beyond anyone's comprehension, it was like we were meant to be together. As if we were created to be the perfect pair. I had fought my instincts as long as I could but once we entered the room earlier I couldn't anymore, I just had to have him. I yearned for his touch and to feel him inside me. It felt like we belonged to each other, I now felt complete. "Do you wish to see him?" he asked me. I lifted my free hand and lightly touched Atlas' bare back, his body tensed up. I knew being what we were that Atlas would become more protective of me, it was because of our extremely messed up DNA that made him that way. Especially since I had chosen him as my lifelong partner.

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