•Chapter 13•

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So basically, she can't be herself anymore?" Shaun asked. The woman glanced at him. She sighed deeply, "She isn't the person she was previous of the procedure and won't be able to be that person again. If that's what you mean." I could see the conflict of emotions swirling around in Shaun's hazel eyes. Celly stood up and stared down his aunt. He pinched his lips, closing his eyes for a millisecond as he thought about what to say next, "There's no way to undo what's been done?" Talia shook her head. "Attempting to extract it from her body, is like draining her dry. She'd be nothing more than a mummified corpse." I'd rather be mummy than a monster.

His aunt stood up from her seat, she looked unsure of what to say. She stared up at him, her bright crystal blue eyes held sadness. "I'm sorry Marcellus, but your friend is and forever will be the way she is now." I'm stuck like this? I'm to be a monster forever? Her gaze shifted to where I sat. "I am amazed though," Talia began, those blue eyes of hers trailed up and down my body, "She has more self-control than the others I've seen." So, I'm not a raging psychopath yet? Dually noted.

"That's a good thing, right?" Celly asked her. His large hands shook by his sides as he took slow shallow breaths. From the looks of it, I could tell he was struggling not to show his emotions in front of everyone. It was clear he was upset. His aunt could tell as well by the way her eyes observed him like a hawk. She gave a slight nod of her head and replied, "Yes, it means she still has some control over her body." She stepped closer to where he stood and placed her hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Ms. Blake is still human per se, that's a good thing because most have already lost their human side," she explained.

Rising up from the sofa, I took a few steps towards her. Nothing she was saying made any sense to me. "You just said there's no way to undo this," I drawled, motioning to myself, "Yet you say I'm still human." A deep growl worked its way up my throat as my emotions spiraled. "Why do I feel like there's more to your story than what you are telling us," I snapped. I wanted answers and this woman before me seemed to beating around the bush. Each time a question was asked, she'd only answer with part of the truth instead of all of it. It was starting to get on my nerves. Talia's lips quivered; she took shaky steps backwards to put distance between us. Her eyes held fear as she looked at me. She was afraid. I don't blame her though, if I was in her shoes, I'd be afraid too. "There's...well it's rare but there's a possibility that you may have a special genetic mutation. Since you were the only one -- to my knowledge -- that was injected with countless amounts of it. It's possible your DNA clashed with what was given, which created a new gene."

Feet shuffled across the room as Shaun approached her. "So, she is like a supercharged mutant from X-men?" He asked, he looked excited by what he heard. My face scrunched up as I glared at him. Now of all times, he just had to compare me to CGI mutants. He glanced my way and shrugged his shoulders, "What? Have you watched X-men? Those dudes are freaking cool." He gave me two thumbs up, grinning from ear to ear. He most defiantly hangs out in the comic book store way too much. I could picture him in my head parading down the aisles in his marvel superhero pajamas. "I don't know what X-men is, but yes to a certain degree she is a 'supercharged mutant' like you said," Talia retorted. She turned around and headed back to her seat. She crossed her legs and sighed, "X49—better known as Extinction 49, is predatory. It had basic primal tendencies. Its main instinct is to kill anything it deems as inferior. " That explains why the voice wants me to everyone.

"That's why those people instantly began killing and eating the others," Celly replied. He slowly sat back down in his seat and waited for her to carry on. Talia nodded, "To put it simple, it's the top dog of the food chain. It's a killer, all it knows how to do is kill to survive." Shaun's grin widened. I was worried his face would get stuck like that. "Ah, so that means she must be like the alpha or leader of the others then? Since she's like more mutated? I don't know how to explain it, but damn girl you're like a badass mutant woman! How cool is that?" he exclaimed. I squinted my eyes and stared at him; my nose wrinkled up as his grin only got wider. Just how much further can his mouth stretch before it falls off.

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