•Chapter 34•

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"Hey, wake up. Dude, get up!" I woke to Shaun shouting and kicking my leg. Me eyes peeked open to see Shaun standing beside the bed. He looked exhausted and his hair was a wild mess. "Finally! Jeez, you're a deep sleeper, you know that?" I rolled over in the bed. "Gah! Come on, get up already. One of the nurses just dropped off a bag full of clothes for us, apparently a few soldiers went back to the facility to collect things the doctor and others requested." I motioned for him to go away and pulled the sheets over my head. He kicked my leg again and shouted in frustration, "Atlas! Get up." Just leave me alone, won't you? I' m tired. I didn't feel like moving or even dealing with his shit today. My body ached and I was flat out exhausted. Just a few more minutes.

Sitting up in the bed, I rubbed my eyes. Shaun's feet dragged across the floor as he moved through the room. He tossed a pair of black tactical cargo pants and a black short sleeve shirt on the bed. A pair of steel toed combat boots wacked me in the side. "Get dressed," Shaun grumbled. He grabbed a pair of khaki cargo pants and a grey shirt from the green duffel bag and walked into the bathroom, the door clicked shut behind him. I quickly slipped the shirt over my head. I don't know if this will fit properly. My shoulders and chest were wide. What if it rips to shreds? Surprisingly, it didn't rip. Slinking out of my jeans, I slipped into the other pants and slid a pair of socks and the combat boots on. My arms and back popped as I stretched out. Shaun walked out of the bathroom running his hands through his hair, "I was thinking about going to eat at that diner the doctor mentioned yesterday, thought maybe we could swing by and see if Quinn wanted to tag along." I shoved my hands in my pockets, "Sounds good to me." He gave a light nod and slipped his feet into a pair of boots. I opened the door and waited for him to walk outside before shutting it behind me. A couple of people stared at us as we made our way to the other side of the motel, a nurse and soldier popped out of a room a few feet from us laughing. Must be the couple that kept him awake. When they noticed us, they waved and went on their way. "That's my room," Shaun pointed at the room with the number 23 painted in chipped yellow paint on the outside of the door.

He knocked on the door a few times, "You up, sleeping beauty?" I listened closely but heard nothing from the other side. Shaun knitted his brows in confusion; he glanced over at me then back at the door. Strange, why isn't she answering? He knocked again, "Quinn? You in there?" Still there was no answer. "Hi .... are you friends with the woman in this room?" We turned to see a young woman with short spiky blonde hair standing by the trash can, her brown eyes looked between us. Shaun nodded, "Yes, well I am." He jerked his thumb in my direction, "He's her mutated monster boyfriend." So much for sticking to the cover story. The woman gulped; she twiddled her black painted thumbs, "Are you really a mutant?" Her eyes shifted to as she took in my appearance. She looked spooked by what she saw. I didn't want to speak in fear she may get even more frightened by the sound of my voice. Shaun spoke for me, "No, he just really likes Halloween so he dresses up all throughout the year." She nodded but her eyes stayed glued on my face. He motioned to the door, "Do you happen to know where my friend is?"

The young woman's eyes glanced at the door then back at us, she fidgeted on her feet. "I saw women in scrubs walk out of the room with her earlier, she didn't look so good. I figured she might have been sick or something." Her eyes stared into mine as she spoke, "She must really like Halloween too, because she looked just like you with the creepy eyes and pointy ears." Shaun coughed. I glanced over to see him struggling to hold in his laughter. The man found this hilarious. "Do you know where they went?" he asked her. She nodded and pointed down the road, "When I asked what was wrong with her, one of the ladies said she hadn't eaten in a while, so they were taking her to the diner."

"Ah, the place that's apparently down the road. Is it really though?" Shaun asked the woman. She seemed confused by his question. Him and his trust issues. She turned and pointed directly down the road, "It's just a few buildings down, you really can't miss it. There's a big neon sign that says Mary's Kitchen." I nodded, shoving Shaun forward. He gave her a small smile, "Thanks." She nodded and waved. I tugged him along as we made our way to the diner. "Do you think she's okay?" he asked me. I shrugged. It didn't take long before we noticed the blinking neon sign the woman had told us about. Shaun stood out front with his hands on his hips, "Okay, if anyone asks, we will tell them you were in a horrible accident and the doctor that did surgery on you was a monster fx artist from Hollywood." I blinked and gave him an annoyed look. "What? You got a better idea?"

You Won't Feel A ThingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon