•Chapter 16•

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"We searched each address listed on the file but Ms. Brent hasn't been located. As for Mr. Paramore, we found his remains in the hall closet of his home. It seems one of the test subjects got to him before we could." I gripped the pen in my hand tightly as I listened to Sargent Marsh's report. "If her remains haven't been discovered, then she must still be alive and hiding somewhere. Do whatever is necessary to find that woman. If she blabs to others about what happened at the facility, we will all be screwed, I'm not looking forward to having my job taken from me cause of that imbecile," I spat. I gripped the pen so tightly it snapped in half.

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir." I held up my hand to stop him before he could turn and flee. "I had my assistant have some of your men search for Ms. Blake, have they reported in yet?" Sargent Marsh seemed conflicted. "What is it, Marsh. Spit it out." He looked around the room then finally his eyes rested on me. "My men did report in to me .... they found one of Ms. Brent's residence down some backwoods trail near the river, it was a couple miles from where the facility was located. They had followed the tire tracks...." I rolled my eyes, "Yes, yes. I already know about the tracks and what not. Did they find Ms. Blake or not?"

He sighed, "Your lap dog did catch her scent. That's how my men found the location of Ms. Brent's cabin. The place was set on fire; it was almost completely burned down by the time my men arrived. Your lap dog caught whiff of your escapee and fled the scene." I could feel my eye twitching. "Are you saying you lost Mr. Jones?" Sargent Marsh fidgeted on his feet.

"Marsh, not only is one of my lovely pets missing ...now the other one is gone too?" He nodded slowly. I slammed my hands on the desk. In a fit of anger, I knocked everything off and began throwing things at the man before me. "You lost the only two special subjects we had ?!"

He stood there with his eyes closed as staplers, hole punches, and other miscellaneous items bounced off his chest. Each time he winced in pain but not once uttered a word. "Get back out there and find them!" I kicked the chair hard sending it skidding across the room and bouncing off the wall. "Do not come back without them, if you or any of your worthless men return empty handed," I gave him an evil grin," I'll make sure each of you are dismembered and served on a silver platter for my vile little lab rats."

The Sargent's body tensed up. He nodded in understanding. "Shall I take my leave now, sir?" I rolled my shoulders and slammed my glasses on the desk. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I groaned. "Yes, leave." He nodded again and turned around on the heels of his boots. I didn't look up. I could hear the click of the door as it shut. " Insolent damn people, they can't seem to do anything right." How hard is it to keep a leash on a rabid dog? Mr. Jones' leash should have been held better, tighter.

"Doctor?" Bridget softly spoke, she peeked her head through the doors. "Yes, what is it?" I asked. The short petite woman scurried into the room, her eyes roaming around as she approached me. "Your wife keeps calling, she wants to know when you'll be home." Old hag can never leave me be. "Tell her to mind her own business." Bridget's eyes widened, "Sir?" I rolled my eyes and groaned, "You heard me, tell the old croon to mind her own damn business." Bridget fidgeted with her feet. "What is the matter now?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Your wife is on her way here, sir." I internally groaned. Just what I needed, another annoying person to add to my already tarnished day. "When will she be arriving?" I asked. Bridget checked the watch on her wrist, "In about an hour, sir." I groaned out loud. I turned to face the window; the sun was already setting. Before long the night would come and it'll be even harder to catch Ms. Blake and Mr. Jones. "Shall I notify the men at the gate of her arrival?" Bridget asked. My head lolled back as I stared up at the mildew stained ceiling. I sighed, "Yes, of course. Go do that. Is that all you came in here for?"

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