•Chapter 15•

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I felt sick. I couldn't believe I had actually told her to eat my uncle. What the hell is wrong with me? The sound her of feet shuffling out of the room caused me to turn around. My uncle's body was no longer on the floor. She had actually devoured his entire corpse within minutes. It felt like I was living in one of those horror movies that we would always watch nightly together. I couldn't believe all of this was actually happening. It felt so unreal. I glanced out the front window. Shaun was sitting out front next to my aunt as they watched my dog chase after squirrels.

I knew she couldn't help it; it wasn't her fault. She was only acting upon her instincts. It's instincts. I knew I should have treated her differently; it was wrong of me to lash out at her like I did. I knocked and peeked inside each room within the narrow hallway, wondering where she might have gone. A door at the end was left a jarred. It opened easily. My emotions were still going haywire as I tried to come to terms with everything happening around me. I knew she was just as lost and confused as I was. The mattress on the bed was brand new, it was still wrapped in the plastic it had come in. A silky cherry red comforter and sheets were neatly folded and placed on the edge of the large queen-sized bed. Light could be seen creeping from underneath the freshly painted bathroom door, I stepped closer and knocked. "Quinn, are you alright?"

A few minutes passed and the door creaked open, she stood in the doorway holding a white towel in her small delicate hands. Her face was red from vigorously scrubbing at it."I'm fine," was all she said. Those midnight black eyes of hers shifted as she glanced around the dim lit room, not once did she look me in the eyes. Her dark hair was matted with drying blood, she attempted to get it out with the towel. I took the towel from her hands and continued to pat her hair dry. The towel soaked up every bit of the blood, leaving it stained red. I sighed, grabbing her arm I tugged her into the small bathroom. "Are you .... still hungry? "I asked her. I didn't quite know the proper way to talk to her anymore. I always felt like I was saying something wrong and unintentionally hurting her in some way. She avoided looking at me. Those pitch-dark orbs of hers looked everywhere but at me. Finally, her eyes met mine and she sighed, "No." A knock at the door startled me.

Quinn seemed to tense up as her eyes landed on my aunt in the doorway. "We need to move, it's not safe here anymore," she muttered. Her red puffy eyes not daring to meet either mine or Quinn's. "You and your friend Shaun can gather a few of Michael's belongings." She looked around the room, "This is our room.... just take what you need. Help Ms. Blake pack some stuff as well," she said then turned and left. Walking away from Quinn, I yanked two duffel bags from my aunt's walk-in closet and began shoving whatever I could inside. I glanced over my shoulder at her and motioned towards the large dresser with the tilt of my head, "Grab whatever you can."

She stared at me like a lost puppy. "Quinn, we need to get moving. Grab whatever is in the dresser and throw it in the bags." She closed her eyes then opened them, looking away she made her way towards the dresser and began unloading the neatly folded clothing inside. I tossed her one of the bags for her to pack. I yanked as much as I could off the hangers in the closet, stuffing them in the bag in front of me. I walked in the bathroom and reached under the cabinet for my aunt's cosmetic bag and other items we may need. I zipped it up and tossed it over my shoulder and yanked the comforter off the bed, folding it in my arms.

She stuffed a few pairs of shoes in the duffel bag then zipped it up. She tossed it over her shoulder and looked up at me. "Let's go load this stuff into the truck," I mumbled, motioning for her to follow. "Y'all get everything you need?" my aunt asked as she walked out of one of the other rooms with her own duffel bag in hand. I nodded. "Where's Shaun?" I asked her as we walked towards the front of the house. "He's in the truck with your dog waiting on us," she replied. She suddenly stopped a few feet from the front door, she motioned for us to head out. Just what is she doing? We have to leave.

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