•Chapter 31•

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Please God just kill me. I could be back home binge watching the walking dead and chowing down on popcorn right now. How did I end up here in this hell hole surrounded by a bunch of wackadoodles and jar heads? Not to mention there's once again a bunch of crazy psychos running loose. And now my best friend is the ring leader of those psychos. I rubbed my fingertips in a circular motion on the sides of my forehead and groaned out loud. I would kill for a double shot of espresso right about now.

Once again, I ended up in the back of a stinky old military tactical truck surrounded by people who could kill me and dissect me. I leaned back against the wall and sighed deeply. None of this would have ever happened if the crazy man in the corner didn't get all dr. Frankenstein happy and try to create new life forms by using killer psychotic DNA from some extinct supernatural infectious being that should have never existed. "My god, it's like I'm in a B-rated horror movie," I mumbled to myself.

"What did you do this time, Federico?" an older man in a lab coat hissed, his hazel eyes stared down the doctor. I noticed Dr. Frankenstein wannabe sat as close to the corner of the wall, at the back of the truck as far as he could, he averted his eyes from looking at anyone around him. "How did the others get out of their cages? The first two was by accident cause a nurse got scared during exams, but over a dozen? That's impossible, someone had to have unlocked their cages on purpose," a young nurse gawked, flipping her blonde hair behind her back and crossed her arms over her bountiful chest. My goodness it's like I'm back in high-school. Instead of gossiping about who's dating who, it's about who let the crazies out. "I bet you it was one of them that did it," an old grey-haired woman scowled, staring directly at Atlas. And the finger pointing begins.

"It's my fault, not theirs. Something went wrong during the procedure," Dr. Federico spoke up. " His eyes lifted to meet each of their heated gazes before lowering them to the floor. speak, "It was as if the creature had complete and utter control of Mr. Brent's entire body, even his mind. It did not seem like he was even aware that he was under control of a benevolent predatory being." He leaned back against the wall, his head lolled back as he released a deep sigh, "He is definitely going to become a problem that we need to take care of immediately." One of the soldiers looked up and smirked. He glared at the doctor as he spoke, "And how do you suppose we do that, doctor? The man can control literally every subject you've experimented on. There are over 60 different facilities around the world, the damn monster can create a massive army just with the snap of his fingers." The doctor turned his body, his tired eyes landed on Atlas and Quinn. "He can't control everyone."

"Are you suggesting using them against Marcellus?" I asked, staring at him dumbfounded by what he said. Are these people really that crazy? Have they really lost all of their screws already? "You just said he was completely controlled by X49. That thing as I've been told countless times, is a ruthless killing machine." For a doctor, he really needed to get his brain checked. He wasn't making any sense. "Why would you think using two people that also have the thing inside them, would somehow help stop some insane man who's like a primal predator version of Michael Myers?" I grumbled. Dr. Federico's shoulder slumped as he sighed. "We are in control. It is fused with every fiber of our being. Even if it wanted to take control, it wouldn't be able to., "Quinn piped up. "For Celly, he allowed it to have full access to his brain waves and nervous system. He gave up full control willingly. He's like a puppet and the creature inside of him is pulling the strings," she commented, snuggling up into Atlas' side.

"So, there's no way to get Marcellus back? I mean I know not physically but at least mentally," I said, watching as her eyes glanced up at Atlas and tugged on his ear. He leaned down far enough for her to whisper something to him. His eyes shifted to meet mine. "Unless your friend fights for control, it's not possible for him to be himself again. He's currently curled up in the back of his mind watching and hearing everything that is going on around him, but has no power to stop anything. He must force it to give control back," Atlas' elaborated, patting Quinn's hand that laid on his chest and planted a quick kiss on the top of her head. How could Marcellus not see just how much they care about each other?

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