•Chapter 28•

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It was close to 10am when Atlas had woken me from my deep sleep. My body ached all over but in a good way. The events from the night before were fresh in my mind. I purred softly as I watched the images in my head of our bodies entwined. I slid off the bed and shuffled to the closet to grab some clothes then slipped some undergarments from the dresser. After brushing my teeth and brushing out my hair, I opened the cabinet under the sink and was amazed to find all sorts of beauty & hair essentials. Grabbing a hair tie from the freshly restocked cosmetic bag, I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail. The tiny hairs on the back of neck rose as Atlas' lips trailed along the side of my neck.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked as he nibbled my earlobe. I basked in the feeling of his lips on my skin, "Yes." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, he leaned his face closer to mine and kissed me softly. "Hello, hello. Sorry for the intrusion, oh I see you're finally awake Ms. Blake." I could tell Atlas was annoyed by the doctor's inconvenient arrival by the look on his face and the way his eyes shot daggers in the man's direction. "What do we owe the pleasure of your visit, doctor?" He smiled up at me, "I was hoping you two would like to join the rest of the faculty and I in the cafeteria for breakfast." Atlas snorted," Do we even have a choice?" The doctor winced," Not really, anyways I'll see you two in a few, okay?" I rolled my eyes and gave a light nod. He grinned and closed the door. Oh, yay. Eating around a bunch of people that hate us. How fun.

I removed my arms from his neck. He whimpered as his large hands reached for my hips to pull me back against his warm muscular frame. "No pouting you oversized beast, you heard the doctor. It's breakfast time," I playfully smacked his chest and gave a small smile before collecting my sneakers from beside the dresser and slipping them on. Atlas slid his feet into a pair of boots and held the door open for me. He took my hand in his and closed the door behind us. It didn't take long before we located the medium sized cafeteria. At least 20 or so people dressed in scrubs and military uniforms were seated at various tables enjoying their meals or chit chatting amongst themselves. Talia was sitting with a couple of younger nurses by the window, she was caught up in some heated conversation with one of them. Shaun and Celly sat a few tables down from her surrounded by military men and women.

"Come, come. Take a seat," Dr. Federico said cheerfully and motioned to the vacant spots at his table. I noticed the room grew silent as we approached the table. The eerie feeling of everyone's eyes watching me was uncomfortable. "You sure it's safe for those things to be in here with us, Feddy?" an older man with dark grey hair asked between each spoonful of oatmeal. "What if they decide to feast on our organs or use our bones as toothpicks!? " a young blonde-haired nurse shrieked. Maybe we should have just stayed in the room. "Now, now. Everyone calm yourselves. As you can see clear as day, Mr. Jones and Ms. Blake aren't like the other subjects. They are different and more civilized," he stated. He stabbed his fork into a piece of sausage and shoved it in his mouth. "Yeah, you say that now but just wait till they get hungry. They won't be filling up on eggs and toast, it'll be your guts they chew on instead," a young soldier sneered as he stared us down from his seat. Guts on a plate sound good right about now.

I leaned back in my seat and eyed the young man. I licked my lips and smiled widely," Are you offering up your guts on a silver platter for me?" He blinked several times and stumbled over his words as he spoke, "You see what I mean? These things aren't human. They shouldn't be in here with us at all, do you hear how they sound? It's creepy." Atlas propped his elbows on the table and laid his chin on-top of his clasped hands as he looked at the man ,"If you have an issue with us being here , why not come here and talk to us face to face about it instead of whining like a child in a room full of adults ." The man's eyes bulged, he quickly looked away from us and focused on the plate of eggs and sausage before him.

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