Chapter 6

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My arms burned from having to hold my notes up over my head as I laid in bed. I've forced myself to study two hours straight without break so I could get my last two sessions of meds glued in my head. So far it's gone great with just one page left to go.

I heard the bedroom door swing opened, chitchats from the hall ran in before they got cut with the door closing again. Following behind was the click clack of Kira's footsteps.

"What are you doing?" She asked, rubbing her eyes while releasing the biggest yawn ever that stretched out the corner of her tiny mouth. She had her short hair tied in a messy bun that only held the front part as the back fell messily down, blending perfectly with the puffiness under her eyes to show lack of sleep.

"Meds." I answered.

"You're a med student?" she asked, seriously surprised like I never mentioned it to her.

"Yeah, I told you that when we first met. I have three majors."

"Oh." She tried to recall the discussion but I don't think she succeeded. "Well anyway... from our discussion of last night, you're going with me to a party." Her hands clasped in front of her, her body slightly swayed from side to side as she tried to look cute.

Ahhh, last night's discussion. The one she left me with just one sentenced then went about with her night without ever mentioning it again.

The only thing I could do was smile in amazement that she brought it up again. "It's a Wednesday night." I pointed out.

"We'll be back early. I have a test first thing in the morning anyway so I won't be drinking." She said. "So?" she raised her brows at me the way she did when she was impatient for an answer.

"I don't know." That was my nicer way of saying no.

Memories about the last party was still burning in my mind and so was the fear of mum finding out. Reliving something close to that experience was not something I could afford to put myself into no matter how boring my life was.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"You said that last time and look at what happened."

"That's cuz you didn't follow me out the kitchen. I thought you were behind me otherwise I would've never left." She re-assured me but if only that changed what happened. "That guy wasn't supposed to be there anyway. He deserved that beating. Anyway," she continued "the party were going to is at a sorority off of campus. It's in a small neighbourhood so it'll be a small party to not cause any disruption. I swear it will be nothing like last time. You will actually have a good time. I promise."

Dad always warned me about not making promises I couldn't keep but I don't think I could share that information with Kira in that type of situation.

"How are we gonna get there if it's off campus? Neither of us have a car."

"My friend is coming to pick us up. It'd be fun. Besides do you want to remember the party you went to in college to be that one?" She asked. It was a valid point but "I don't know." I repeated.

She pushed her bottom lip out in a pleading look. "I'll be alone if you don't go and I don't wanna go off campus alone. Please."

Being thorn is something that I should've never been in that type of situation but I was. The desire of not going was as strong as the desire of not letting Kira go by herself. If she had other people to accompany her she would've never asked me and if she went and something happened to her, I would never be able to get over it.

I sigh. "Fine." Saying the word only deepened the new placed weight on my chest.

I wished seeing her jump with glee like a little kid would've triggered a smile on my face but instead, I could feel anxiety and regret already kicking in. For the first time in a very long time, I turned onto my front and said a pleading prayer that everything will go smoothly and we'll be protected.

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