Chapter 7

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"Are you not dancing?" I heard a voice ask from beside me and I turned to find a skinny, long hair boy whose baby face gave the impression that he was the youngest person there.

Smiling out of politeness, I shook my head.

My gaze went back to Kira dancing in the middle of the room with a tall boy that would give Ian a run for his money. From the way his big hands wrapped around her small waist, their movement synching with one another and bodies practically rubbing against each other, they looked like a couple.

His hands moved smoothly on her skin, every movement looked like a caress for her pleasure and a claim over her body. Her hand glided up to his sweaty neck and he leaned down-

I immediately looked away, refusing to see my roommate make out with a complete stranger and my heart stopped for a quick second. All the doubts, fear and anxiety that was roaming in my mind and body earlier was now gone as I stared back at the boy who barely attended class.

His tanned skin glowed under the illumination of the dim, yellow light of the nearby lamp that casted shadows onto his neck, sharpening the jawline that could cut through paper and the bump of his Adam-apple. His dark, wavy hair fell beautiful as he leaned back, a series of smoke flowed out of his mouth up to his nose and a hand grabbed his chin, pulling his head to the side.

My mouth fell open at the sight of a short, curly hair girl who wasn't his girlfriend. This time I couldn't find myself being able to look away as the girl crept onto her tiptoes, pulling him lower as she did so, reaching for his lips. My heart stopped beating, everything just stopped as I stared at an affair but he stopped her. His hand grabbed her chin in place and smoke was blew into her mouth. Her eyes closed in pleasure, his arm around her seemed to have been the only thing that kept her firm on her feet as her body melted into him.

A queezy feeling I had never felt touched an area of my body no one has ever seen before and this time I didn't just turn away, I left the room. So many thoughts rushed through the back of my mind, demanding attention from my body that couldn't comprehend why I felt jealousy instead of disgust.

I forced my steps into the empty kitchen, the once alcohol filled counter was now empty of anything. I wiped the wet drops left behind then pushed myself up to sit down. It took me some time to realise that I walked out of Kira's eyesight. I quickly typed in a text to her, not wanting to go back out there to just stand in the corner on my own again and also seeing whatever he was doing now.

My eyes stayed glued on the phone until she finally texted "Ok." I relaxed.

I stared out the window while waiting then someone walked in. I froze. The dangling of my feet paused as I wished I would shrink into disappearance but I couldn't look away either.

What was wrong with me?

With long strides, Michael walked over to the window I was just staring out of and threw something out. The loose buttons of his black shirt that hung loose around his frame but not loose enough to hide the defined muscles underneath, revealed a series of necklaces with different pendants I couldn't understand. My eyes ran down his arms to the beaded bracelets around his wrist.

"Is there something on my pants?" He asked.


I look up to meet judging eyes, the very same that shot dagger at me the first he spoke to me. I flushed red. He just caught me staring. Again.

I shook my head, embarrassed but fuel with how he thinks he runs the whole world even if he was in the right for calling me out on this one. "Why are you so rude?" I demanded.

His brows furrowed with confusion. "How am I rude?"

My mouth opened for a response that disappeared at the sight of him walking towards me. Not long strides but slow, calculated steps. Every movement came with an unspoken plan luring behind the expression that gave away nothing. I tensed up, not the same way I did when the guy touched me. That one was different, one that made my heart stop for a minute in suspense. A reaction I could not make sense of.

"And what if I am?" His tone, voice and manner of talking matched that of his walk. All naturally effortless without a single ounce of cockiness but confidence. "You seem to like it." he observed, almost daring me to ague against it but I couldn't. My brain went dead as my senses took over. "Your cheeks turn red every time I look at you, and I don't think it's from anger."

He closed the distance between us, towering over me despite the fact that my feet dangled off the counter. The shadows of his hair blocked out the light from hitting his eyes, deepening the brown to a black that held a luring darkness. A daring fire burned with desires and want trapped me, I forgot how to breath and felt as his hand slide up my thigh. The lightness of his hand on my thigh had my thighs opened apart, unsure if it was my doing or his. He was so close, the height difference gave me a direct view to his pink, inviting lips.

"But I can be gentle too." He said, voice so low I felt it deep in my stomach. The little distance that was there was now gone. The outside of his thigh pressed against the inside of mine, sending tingles in an area a simple touch shouldn't be able to bring to life.

Everything inside of me lit up as his hand moved up to the side of my neck, a finger rested just below my ear and his focus went down to my lips. Slowly, his thumb skimmed my bottom lip, slightly pushing it down and watched with interest as it naturally flipped back up.

I couldn't move, at that moment I was at his hand to do whatever he wanted like the rest of the world did not exist. His eyes met mine again, almost checking, making sure this is what I wanted and weirdly it was. All thoughts were out of mind. I held my breath, heart skipping beats as he leaned down and-

"Michael." A girl called.

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