Chapter 23

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"Why do you want me this close?" I asked, trying to mirror his voice but the edge of tension and nervousness made me sound anything but relaxed.

His eyes went down to my lips just like mine went down to his. "Do you want me to tell you or would you rather I show you?"

"Which one are you better at?"

Just like that, a breath taking, earth shattering but lazy smile ripped across his face and he leaned back against the wall, dropping his hand down and making me realise he was just teasing me. "You're not as innocent as I thought you were, Dubraska."

I couldn't answer, not in the state of disappointment and almost embarrassment I was in. I just sat down on the space beside him. More disappointed at his actions than to mentally scold myself for my body's reaction to his.

"Parties aren't so bad huh?" he commented with his head resting against the wall and eyes closed. He looked peaceful, gentle. If only that was the same impression I got with his personality.

"You wouldn't have to ask if you spent time with me, your friends entertained me more."

Another smile ripped across his face at my boldness. "I don't have an ass like Sarah to dance like her."

"Hmm, the girl you were dancing with did though."

Like I expected, he smirked "Careful Dubraska, you sound jealous." He teased.

I didn't want to look at him as he opened his eyes to see my reaction so I played with the cracking paint on the wall instead. "I have no reason to be jealous. I know my place with you." Which was true which is why I got further confused why my heartbeat kept accelerating when I was near him, why there was a pinch of nervousness in my stomach when he simply just looked at me.

"So how come you took Jackson's car." I asked just to change the subject. "Is there something wrong with yours?" he shook his head. "Have you gotten the issue fixed yet?"

"I'm still saving up for it."

"Why not ask your parents? You say you take advantage of them, why not in this situation?"

"My aunt gave me that car, it's my responsibility to take care, I would never ask them for help."

His aunt? Damn. Money must really run in that family to get a gift like that. "You must be really close to your aunt for her to give you a car."

"Ish. I lived with her for a couple of years so she sees me as her son." He smiled when he looked at me again sitting in silence with this new information. "You must be curious why I stayed with my aunt."

And he wasn't wrong. Everything about Michael made me curious, and it didn't help how he was so secretive about it one day then opened the next. It's like he was teasing me, giving me small crumbs to keep me entertained but not enough to satisfy me. Like he opened the book of his life in front of me, made me read a sentence but just as I'm about to finish it, he closed the book in my face.

"Can you blame me." I shrugged. "I don't know much about you."

"I can say the same. The only thing I know about you is what you're not allowed to do cuz it'll intervene with your studies."

And he was right.


I never really spoke much about myself cuz there wasn't much to say. My life was boring, it was routine. Or at least it was before he came in it and jumbled it all up with hang outs and times to give him notes. "Uhm.." I thought of what to say and got just the basics. "I'm an only child, I study Business, literature and medicine and-"

The beauty of chapters: I thought he was the oneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat