Chapter 45

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I woke up less energised than usual. It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining without a cloud in the sky, the birds were chirping. It would've been a beautiful day to sit in the grass and study, if only I wasn't still tired from the small amount of sleep.

I got off the bus to Michael's place, praying that my phone was well and Kira got the chance to speak to him last night. I was also praying that she was well considering her bed was empty when I woke up this morning. But imagining the worst case scenario was not something I wanted to do so I was hoping all was well and that I'll see when I got back home later.

In no hurry, I made way to the elevator, into the halls and up to his door at the end of the hall way. Learning my lesson from what happened last time, I raised my hand to knock but the door swung opened before I had the chance to and in a millie of a second the smile on my face along with my heart dropped to my stomach.

With messy hair and still in last night's clothes, Kira stood in the door way, eyes wide and lips parted in shocked as she looked at me. Behind her stood a shirtless Michael, hair messy like he's just gotten out of bed and pants low at his hips like he had just put them on.

It didn't take much to put two and two together and understand that my roommate that was egging me on to make a move on my crush, slept with him the first chance she got.

Now that very same roommate, blinked away past my shoulders and without saying a word she passed by me. Tiptoeing with her heels in her hand.

My eyes darted back to where Michael still stood, and the look of nonchalant and relaxation had never looked crueller on him. "Why are you here?" he asked.

I felt a punch in my gut, one that came from the last person I ever thought would hit so low.

I fought back the daggers stabbing my throat along with the stinging of tears at the back of my eyes, because he didn't deserve them. Neither of them did.

"My phone." I answered, simply, clipped, but he didn't seem to noticed, that or he didn't care. But despite, how much pain I was in, I refused to believe he was that cold. Especially when he was the one who begged for a friendship.

With a quick nod, he went to the living room table, picked it up and returned it to me. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I didn't give him the chance to get another glance at me and potentially see the tear escaped my eyes and left. I closed the door behind me, forcing my feet to walk for the elevators and keeping it all inside.

He slept with her.

He slept with her.

The elevator dinged opened, a middle aged lady with a little girl walked out before I went in.

My reflection in the mirror at the back was unrecognisable. It was the same face, same features but not the expression I was used too.

Through all the people why her?

Why him?

My lips trembled but I held it in. I couldn't let it all out and risked getting caught especially by her.

Aggressively, I wiped the tears away, inhaling deep breaths through my nose and releasing it through my mouth. The best idea was to go to the dorm but I didn't wanna risk bumping into her at the bus shelter so I walked in the opposite direction towards a convenient store.

I didn't get it. I didn't understand. She was supportive. I remember clearly her words from last night of how I should go for it. She wanted me to shoot my shot, to be with him and then she goes and does that.

And he does that?

With my roommate?

I rushed into the store and head straight to the back for the restrooms.

My feet stomped into the echoing room as I paced straight for the end stall. The door locked with a ting behind me and all my strength of holding back broke.

It hurt. This one was a real stabbed, one that pained my entire body and burned a deep whole in my chest. But even so I had to be as quiet as possibly, biting on my lips to prevent a sob from escaping, while my hands clung onto the walls for support.

I didn't get it.

The club was full last night. They could've gotten with anyone. Why each other? When they both knew how I felt? Were my feelings not taken into consideration? Was it a drunk night of fun? Did I slipped their mind or did they just didn't care?


The sound of the main entrance door opening, startled me out of my thoughts. Sucking in a shaky and quiet breath, I wiped away my tears, cleared my throat and walked out of the stall once I was sure my eyes were dry.

I did my best, but stopping the thoughts from coming were not easy and with the thoughts came the sadness that my body welcomed, despite how I was yelling at it not to.

There really was no use in fighting with emotions. I was never one good at hiding my expressions and this time was no different.

He hurt me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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