Chapter 42

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I stared down at the blue, low back dress Kira laid for me on the bed. I shot her a look and she smiled, pleased with herself.

"It was the best I could find." She shrugged.

Of course it was.

I careful pull it over my head and slid it down my body with my towel still on to avoid flashing her.

Michael was supposed to pick me up and drop me off but because Kira was going to the same place we figured it be easier if I catch a ride with her. Save Michael the hardship.

"What is the club usually like?" I asked, letting my hair down from the messy bun I tied into before hitting the showers.

"Just a room with loud music and people dancing." She stared down at her phone as she spoke. Texting.

"What' the oldest you've veer seen?" my voice came out low. The memory of my encounter with an older guy had my heart already starting to pick up space.

There was gonna be a lot of older people. Drunk people never the least.

"Probably in their forties or so." She pulled the corner of her lips down before seeing me and her entire face lit up. "I knew that dress would look gorgeous on you."

I took a step back from the mirror to see. The fabric clung tightly onto my skin where it was still partly wet. The sponge at the front push my breast up perfectly despite the only support from the back was a small string.

"I guess."

I finished getting ready then we head downstairs where Ian waited.

"Looking good, Dubraska." He called out from beside his car.

"Is Dubraska the only one you see?" Kira snapped and Ian's mouth dropped open, he closed it as quickly as it dropped. I just smiled in amusement, following her to the car.

It took Ian a few extra seconds to gather his thoughts together before getting in.

I was glad to finally be back in the warmth. Kira insisted on tying my hair up to show off the back of the dress and now my entire body was engulfed with goosebumps. Fingers cross the club was not cold.

"Are we gonna turn up tonight or what?" Ian asked after a few minutes of driving in silence with just the drumming music in the background.

"I'm not drinking." Kira said.

Ian did a double look at her. "Why are you not drinking? Tomorrow is Sunday, you can't say you have a test again."

"I took my time on my make-up and I'm not risking ruining it with a drunk face." On that sentence she flashed her pearly teeth at him.

I wished I could be as relaxed or excited as they were but anxiety was slowly creeping up under the surface.

The only thing that kept me going was knowing that Michael and Jackson were gonna be there. I knew I'd be safe with them.

We drove for about thirty minutes before the car slowed down into traffic. It wasn't long before a two storey building appeared around the corner and from all the parked cars outside, I'm guessing this was the club.

Ian pulled into a spot, a few blocks away from the entrance and we had to walk.

The stench of cigarette was strong in the wind so was the random laughter and shrieks from drunk girls. We made it to the building when the line was still short.

"It's still there." Kira whispered in my ear after catching me checking for my ID for the hundredth time. Just needed to be sure.

I stood in between the two of them as we made it to the entrance. Two big man, with muscles bulging out of their shirts took payments from us and stamp our wrist before gesturing for us to go in. They didn't even check our IDs.

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