Chapter 43

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I scrolled down on Instagram as I waited for Dubraska to come back, repetitively glancing over my shoulders for her. I didn't wanna take the risk of her seeing me do the very same thing I made fun of her doing earlier.

I didn't really wanna come out either but I needed a night of fun to just forget everything that happened last night. Or better yet, to make her forget about it.

I kept that side of me hidden for a reason. I didn't like the way people looked at me once they knew my problems, like I was broken and needed fixing.

Maybe it was true, I'll admit that, but I could do that on my own.

"Are you never gonna talk to me again?" Larissa asked, so quietly I wouldn't have heard if she wasn't just a few feet away, probably because she didn't want Jackson to hear from where he stood, talking to someone.

Ignoring her, I tossed back my drink then settled the glass on the table.

"I'm sorry." She continued. "I meant what I said, but I could've used better words."

I didn't respond. It was not me being petty by giving her the silent treatment. I just had nothing to say.

Her apologies didn't mean anything to me anymore. It wasn't the first time we've had this conversation. She did the same with Layla, apologized, said she'd do better which she did. But turned out the whole time she was just planning on breaking us up.

It almost worked.

I fell into her trap which was one of the worst mistake I ever made. The only reason why our friendship ever got back on track was because we have the same friends. If it wasn't for that I would've never looked the girl's way again.

But now I learned my lesson. I wasn't gonna repeat the same mistake.

I got on my feet and started for the dance floor. I didn't have a fixed location, I just wanted to step away from her and I did good.

I made it a few feet before Sarah's red hair caught my attention and on her left was Dubraska talking to her roommate.

Kira noticed me first from how she stood facing me with Dubraska turned away from me. With my eyes on Kira, I took the opportunity of her back turned to me do what I've been dying to do for the whole night and lifted my hand up to the small of her back, where her dress cut to expose her skin and rested it there. The same warmth from last night welcomed me just like I expected, and so did the sweet smile Dubraska sent me once she saw it was me and not some weird creep touching her.

I liked that smile.

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