if i could fly.

535 14 31

chapter one is here
tw: mentions of death and funerals

song; if i could fly // one direction

margot xx

"Hey Soph! I am going to go grab some lunch with Anne at Starlight. Do you want me to uh bring you back something babes?" I say setting the heavy wooden crate down on the ground in between me and Sophia. I lean against the counter as I try to catch my breath.

We got a ton of stock in to keep up with the demand since we are only 10 days out till Christmas. With us being the only record store in town and it being the first year we are open, it's been insane.

Since black Friday I've been trying to stay here as much as possible and not leave Sophia alone to stock, help out customers, and cash out. But, with Robyn's funeral a few days out, Anne wanted to talk to me.

"Can you bring me a spicy chicken sandwich?" Her eyes light up with a smile. I hum before nodding. "I am just going to put this in the back and finish when I get back."

She shakes her head, "don't worry Mar, I can do this while you're gone." I look at her. "You sure?" Sophia nods and I sigh.

"Okay well I am going to head over to the diner. Call me if you need me." She nods and I run to the back to grab my coat and purse. Once I am done putting on my coat I head out to my car.

Unlocking my car I turn it on and pop my trunk. Sticking my purse back there and closing it before I hop into the car. My phone automatically connects and I skip songs until I find one I want to listen to.

As I start making my five minute drive, I softly sing to the music. Paying as much attention as possible since it is a cold and rainy day. I cannot be in another car accident, I think two is more than enough.

A new song begins to play and I can't place what song this is. But the strumming of the guitar is upbeat and fun.

You gotta see it to believe it
Sky never looked so blue
So hard to leave it
That's what I always do
So I keep thinking back to
A time under the canyon moon

As soon as the first verse begins I recognize the voice. Harry Styles. I quickly glance at the screen and see that it's a brand new song that I haven't heard. Completely forgetting his new album came out two days ago.

Harry fucking Styles.

Someone I try to forget about, someone that I can never shake.

Someone that clearly has forgotten about me.

I quickly change it while I wait for the stoplight to change. Once it changes I quickly turn onto the street that the old 1950's style diner sits on. Turning into the parking lot I take the spot that I normally park in.

Shutting the engine off I hop out and pop the trunk to grab my purse. Once I have my purse I lock my car and head into Starlight. Seeing Anne in my booth.

We make eye contact and I softly smile before making my way to her waving at Darla. "Pumpkin," Anne softly says standing up. We both wrap each other in a hug. "Hi Anne," I say, pulling away. We both take a seat opposite of each other.

Crossing my legs instantly like second hand nature. Darla makes her way over. "Margot, Anne it's been a long time." I start giggling.

"Darla I was here last night silly." She starts laughing and her hands go to her hips. "What I meant was you and Anne together." My mouth opens finally catching on. She's not wrong.

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