never grow up.

214 7 3

-tw: pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of death  
hug Sophia for me <3

song; never grow up // niall horan

margot xx

My alarm goes off and I groan as my hand flies to my phone, turning off the obsessive beeping that is my alarm tone. It's seven am and I am not the biggest morning person but, I am a busy girl today.

Sitting up to gain my bearings, I instantly have a wave of nausea hit. Forcing me out of bed and immediately to the toilet to throw up. Something that has become a morning occurrence for the past few weeks. Luckily as soon as I throw up I feel better instantly.

Once I empty the contents of my stomach I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink. Washing my hands before I brush my teeth. Grabbing the disinfectant wipes I wipe all the surfaces on the toilet to kill any germs there might be. Just in case I am sick with a bug. I highly doubt it because no one I have been around has been or is sick.

I stand up straight and get light headed before another wave of nausea hits me before I am throwing up again. Please tell me this is it, I have so much to do today.

I cannot be sick on Harry's birthday, I refuse.

After I think I am done throwing up again I brush my teeth again before disinfecting the toilet again. Making it out of the bathroom again Stanley is standing on my bed glaring at me.

"What did I disturb your fourteenth hour of sleep old man?" I ask and he gives me a short meow in response. I roll my eyes at him, "well if you care your mother is ill." I say before grabbing my phone off the old nightstand. I look at all of my notifications, which include a few reminders for the record store and a few texts from people. My eyes scan to look through all my reminders before it lands on one huge reminder.

Your period is one month late.

My mouth drops open wide. I'm late.

Not by a day, not by two. By a fucking month. I try to think back to the last time I had my period. It's always the first week of the new month because of my birth control cycle. I was supposed to get my period a few days after my birthday.

I completely forgot that I was late.

Am I pregnant?

I can't be right? I mean I'm on birth control.

A wave of nausea comes to me again and I rush into the bathroom again. After I throw up for the third time and clean up. I look at the reminder again.

A text from Harry pops up and I quickly look at it to take my mind off of it.

From: Bibble
Good morning baby, can't wait to have my hands all over you later tonight.

I smirk at his text and bite my lip as I think of what to say. Definitely can't say "hey so I'm a month late, I think you knocked me up." I don't think that's a nice birthday message.

I can't let him know that I can't stop throwing up because he will skip breakfast with Anne, Gem, Shep and Gracie. He will also skip his tee time with a few of our other friends from college.

Him being busy is my saving grace so I can tackle everything I need to get done for tonight and now the looming idea of me bearing a child right now.

Finally I decide what to say.

To: Bibble
Just might have to make you beg to touch me birthday boy. See you tonight <3

Once I send it I look and see Stan laying on my bed staring at me. Giving me the look that I know a bit too well. He is telling me it's feeding time. I walk into my bedroom and pass by my bed towards the door to my room.

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