you are my sunshine.

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tw: mentions of death and lose of a loved one
-please hug Margot tight <3

song; youre my sunshine // zach bryan

margot xx

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Harry sings laying down as his hands graze the growing bump. I giggle as our baby girl kicks my abdomen as he sings the lullaby. "You make me happy when skies are gray."

His eyes flicker up at me as his smile grows wider at our baby moving to his voice. "You'll never know dear how much I love you." I hum along as I rub my bump. Harry's fingers graze by my hand and my breath hitches in the back of my throat.

His touch on my skin feels like the first time he touched me all over again. Like I'm falling in love with him over and over again.

I look down at him. His messy chocolate brown curls in his face as his eyes glimmer looking down at the beauty of life that's growing before us. The dimples that look like the fluffy clouds in the sky. The prevalent bags under his eyes that he always has. The permanent smile that plasters his face. His soft but rough hands that leave a lingering touch. The rose color that fills his cheeks.

Such a delicate point of view he is.

Pearls are rare and beautiful.

Life is so rare and beautiful just like a pearl.

True love is just as rare and beautiful.

Harry Styles is my pearl in life.

People hope that one day maybe they'd finally get their hands on pearls. But, I don't think they look hard enough because anything can be just as rare and beautiful as physical pearls.

You'll find pearls in the things least expected.

God will send you your pearl when you need it the most even if you don't realize it at the time.

"So please don't take my sunshine away." Harry softly finishes the chorus before leaning down to press a soft kiss against my bump. "Daddy loves you sunshine." Harry whispers before looking up at me.

He moves his body so that is facing me, "I love my pearl." He says before bringing his lips to mine and I place my hands against his cheeks. I break away a few moments after giving him a soft smile. "Good morning baby," I hum as I raise my hand up to play with the mop of hair on his head.

"What are you going to do today while I am at the store?" I ask him as he rests on his arm.

"I was going to go see Shep and then maybe write a bit." He says with a tired smile and I nod. We talk for a little bit before Harry leaves the bed to feed Stan and make us some breakfast. While he was doing that I decided to get ready for the day. I am opening the store today and Soph is closing before her and her new boyfriend comes over for dinner.

She only just recently told me about him and when she did she didn't give me much to go on. So Harry suggested inviting them over for dinner so that we can grill him. Just to make sure he is perfect for our friend.

No one will ever replace Owen.

I have been waiting for the day that she felt like she was ready to try the dating pool again. She deserves to be happy because that's all Owen would want.

Walking into the bathroom I take a quick body shower so that I can feel nice and clean for the day. Once I am out of the shower I run my brush through the rats nest of hair. Throwing it in a messy bun before washing my face and doing skincare. Adding a touch of mascara and brushing my teeth before deciding that was enough for today.

pearl {hs}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang