Lunch meeting taking a bad turn

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Emerald pov - I was seating in my office sending out the emails Adonis wanted to be sent out before lunch because we have a lunch meeting.
I know it's some woman and by the was they talking they new each other personally I couldn't help feel a pang of jealousy.
I know I shouldn't feel that way even if Adonis said I was his girl.

Adonis- hey baby girl you ready to go, wait what's wrong

Emerald- nothing I am fine, yes I am ready.

Emerald pov - as soon as we walked into the restaurant this woman with her breast practically coming out of her top runs over and throws her self in his arms knocking me down then she smirks evilly at me while hugging and greeting him he didn't even notice what she did.
I told myself it's what I get for blindly trusting anyone because love and trust are dead.
Adonis didn't once turn around to acknowledge me sure introduced me but not how he does to every one else he just said my name.
Once the meeting was over I was already so mad, I just walked out back to the car his driver let me in I said a small thank you and continued to look out the window trying to keep my emotions in check.
Maybe I shouldn't be mad, maybe that's who he loved and his just using me.
Well I don't need this job,

Adonis- why did you just run off like that( ignore)
Baby girl answer me what's wrong why are you sad, and what happen to your knee( ignore)

Emerald pov - so now he cares huh, to late for that.

Adonis pov- I know something is up, is she mad because I didn't introduce her as my girlfriend, does she think there is something going on between Helena , I was getting sick of her ignore me I just took of her Seatbelt and mine and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to me so she was seating on my lap and forced her to look up at me and the sweetest whimper came out of her mouth.

Adonis- start talking now and tell me what's wrong or so help me Baby I will smack your ass black and blue you won't be sitting for a month.

Emerald- I am only doing what you did to me for over and hour , when you were with your precious Helena, and you want to know now what happen to my knees well you didn't seem to care about that when you where caught up in her embrace I fell because she pushed me then smirk at me while she clung on to you.
( I tired to get of his lap, I know I sound like a little baby right now but I don't care.)

Adonis-baby I am sorry I made you feel that way me and Helena are long time friends our family have always done business together and as you know there company has hit a snag and I am going to help them get back to the way they were.
And I am sure she didn't mean to push you baby girl.

Emerald pov- I didn't bother replying to him what's the point he is not going to believe me anyways.

Adonis- we will be back at the office soon, you can come to my office and I will fix your knees up.

Emerald- no it's fine I can clean it myself.

Adonis- I said I will do it baby girl come on where here lets go.

Emerald pov - he drag me inside and took me into his office he went to get the first aid kit then his phone rang he walked away while he answered it I wonder who it is that he didn't want to answer in front of me.

Adonis- baby Dinner and a movie will have to put of for another time I am having a dinner meeting with Helena to go over last minute details.

Emerald- okay what time do we have to be ready by.

Adonis- actually hunny it's just gunna be me.

Emerald pov- Just as he was about to open the first aid kit I got of his desk and walked out.
And his phone went off again I took this opportunity to go back to his home and start packing again, why I thought this would ever work out is beyond me especially someone who doesn't take my feelings into consideration, I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot he would loose it.
I grabbed my bag and walked out Charles was there I asked him to take me which he did.

Adonis pov - shit I should have not said that I new she was sensitive about the hole Helena thing but I wasn't lying to her about Helena is just a family friend that's it.
And now Helena want's to have dinner to finalise every thing she said just us.
I don't know what do now that's when I noticed the first aid kit is still here so I left my office so I could fix her knees up.
But she wasn't anywhere to be seen maybe she went home so I called Charles and he informed me he had just taken her home, well at least she is safe, I will let her cool off.
Once I was at dinner with Helena my mind drifted to Emerald.
Helena kept running her hand on my shoulder asking me if I was okay, that's when she ask me if I would join her for a drink or two before I went home
Catch up like old times no more business talk I said I could do with one.
I sent a text to Emerald, I new she saw it but she just didn't reply that's it I got to go.

Adonis- sorry Helena I know I said I would have a drink with you but I got to go now I will call you when I think of a plan.

Adonis pov- I left before she could say anything, I have a bad feeling I have to get home fast.

Emerald pov- when Charles dropped me of at Adonis's home I went straight upstairs I see my small suitcase and I put it only the clothes that I have brought I grabbed my old phone and put it in the charger because I am going to leave I don't want to take anything he brought for me.
Once I was done packing I wrote him a note and left. I know it is childish but I can't he didn't even believe me so what's the point.

Adonis pov- as soon as I got home I run up the stairs calling for her but got no reply but I reach the room I notice there is a note on the bed,
My heart felt like it was breaking in millions of pieces I have never felt like this before.
Before I could continue to read the letter I received a text from Helena.

Helena- I hope we can see each other real soon it's been a while I have missed you

Adonis- I don't think we will be able to do this again, It makes my woman unhappy and she means to much to me.

Helena- your woman, you have a girlfriend who is she?

Adonis- you have meet her, she is my PA

Helena- your dating the help, can't you see I would be a better fit , me and you make sense, you and her don't.

Adonis- enough Helena you don't know what your talking about and if you want my help to get your father's company back on track never say anything negative about my woman again am I clear?

Helena- y..yes I am sorry Adonis


I continued to read the letter.
I know she doesn't just like you , she loves you and maybe you love her too that's why you chose not to believe me when I said she pushed me your back was facing me so you never saw anything.
If this was me you would have lost it but that's okay you made your choice even though you could of handled business with her father who is still working you chose to do it with her and have dinner and drinks well I hope your happy with your choice.

I tore up the letter I was so mad, I didn't chose Helena it will Always be Emerald it will always be her why can't she see that.
I won't let her leave me, I love her to much.
I called Dean he owns the restaurant where we ate lunch I asked him to send me the footage of when I arrived and Helena come running towards me.
As soon as he sent it to me I felt like such an ass and she is right Helena did push her and she had a look of pure malice and she is also right that if the shoe was on the other foot I would have lost it. I have to find her I have to make it right.
I notice the phone I brought her is back in the box with a sticky note that said I have been reset.
Why would she not take the phone I got it for her.
I walked in the walk in closet all the clothes and shoes and everything else I got her are still here looks like she only took clothes and things she paid for.
Dammit I am sorry baby girl but I will make it right, I know where you will be hold on baby I am coming to take you home.

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