Taking her home

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Emerald pov- Final I get to home after two long months now I can surprise Adonis , I didn't tell him because I new he would be even more worried and hover over me like a mother hen and never leave my side and Andro needed him so I kept it to my self I also made sure that Dr Andrews never told him.
I know he will be happy because that is what wanted he said so on our vacation but I also know he will me mad that I didn't tell him thank god I am not showing to much I got a little bit of a belly but not how I was when I was this far along with Andro.
Dr Andrews assured me that the baby was healthy and unharmed.
I snap out of my thoughts when I notice we pulled up to our home with a very loud and babbling Andro , as soon as I step out of the car he reaches for me Andro tries to take him for me but I snap him a glare and he puts his hand down.

Emerald- awww mama's big boy, did you miss mama cause mama missed you so much, ( I held him close to me and be wrapped his little cubby arms around my faces I couldn't help but laugh, I laughed even harder when Adonis tried to his arms around me he smacked his papa hand and pushed him away and said mine )
Hahaha oh my boy you really like your papa aren't you, and wipe that look of your self mister his your son, his your Carbon copy.

Adonis- Andro, I know that's your mama but that's my wife I missed her too, ( I pouted pretending to be sad and that's when he stretch his little arms and called me )
I love you both so much

Amelia- you guys are just too cute for words, let me take a picture .

That was too cute look the photo turned out so good.

Sofia- Tio... Tia ...., how are you feeling Tia Em I made you a card and see I drew a picture of us on the front and inside is Tio and Andro and Mama , were at the front cause where the queens.

Emerald- ( I couldn't help laugh at what she said , Amelia and Adonis were both just shaking there heads ) thank you sweet heart it's beautiful I love it and I am feeling so much better even more because you made this wonderful card for me, I will treasure it for life. ( I kissed her forehead and gave her a hug )

Adonis- okay...okay I think it's time we go inside so Emerald get some rest...

Emerald- I am fine and I have had almost 4 months of rest.

Adonis- baby girl this isn't up for discussion we can all have fun and a movie night but you need to have a little rest first, Dr Andrews told you not to over do it, I won't risk anything else happening to you okay now Andro and I are going to put you into bed then I will put him for his nap then come back to you.( I kissed her cheeks and picked her up which cause Andro to giggle )
Okay Andro say Bye ...Bye to mama it's time for your nap.....( Andro held onto her , his bottom lip popped out and started to wobble his eyes instantly began to water, our son must be scared to let her go thinking he will not see her again )
Okay Andro just for tonight you may stay but this will not be a regular thing ( I kissed his head and he rested it on Emerald's shoulder playing with her hair until he fell a sleep, I picked him up and placed him in the crib we have in our room )

Emerald- Adonis... there is something I need to tell you but first you need to promise on everything you love that you will not get mad or over react , keep in mind I only kept it from you so you would go back to be with Andro so at least he would have one of us to put him to bed at night.

Adonis- kitten tell me what is it that you kept from me I what to know right now ( I Cock my eyebrow up wondering what she kept from me ) I am waiting kitten

Emerald- umm well remember before you left the day I woke up and Dr Andrews took blood to ran some test and then the next day you asked me about it and I told you everything was fine well that isn't exactly true.....( cutoff )

Adonis- 'What omg is it bad, what did it say, why.....why wouldn't you tell me if something......bab....( cutoff )

Emerald- Adonis calm down would you it is nothing bad unless you consider having another baby bad.....

Adonis- "How the hell could you tell me to calm down when you tell me all your blood work didn't come back normal, you have no idea what my..., wait a minute did you just say baby....kitten tell me....your ( cutoff )

Emerald- yes Adonis I am pregnant again, I am sorry I didn't tell you right away it's just that you always become way to overprotective and we have Andro and I didn't want you to leave him.

Adonis- you think I was overprotective before you have seen nothing yet, you are not to walk or do anything by your self until after the baby is born.
I know you love our son but he is too big you will not carry him anymore he can seat with you in your lap but you will not lift anything but a spoon and fork is that understood amor......

Emerald- agrr!!! This is gunna be the longest 5 month of my life ....., you know I am pregnant and it's good to move around and excise a little.

Adonis- yes I do know but you heard the Dr Andrews you need to be on bed rest and not over exert yourself know I now what he truly meant he wasn't just talking about your existing injuries and trauma to your body he was talking about your pregnancy.
I love you too much to let anything else happen to you kitten I know I can over do it sometimes but bare with me okay I am doing it because I want you and our new little one happy and healthy, I can't wait till she gets here....

Emerald- I know you do and I love so much too more then you will ever know you may get over bearing at times and it can drive me little crazy but that is one thing I love most about you all the love and care you shower upon us I couldn't ask for a better husband and father but please don't over do it at least let me go around the house and I promise not to carry anything.

Adonis- ' fine I will allow you walk around the house but I swear if you over do it or I see you lifting anything I will chain you to the bed until she is born...

Emerald- she, what makes you think it's a girl we haven't check yet, I wanted to wait to tell you before we found out...

Adonis- because I know and I am never wrong ( I kissed her lips softly) now why don't you have a nap with Andro I have some work to do in my office, I will be down stairs in my office call me if you need anything I will be right there.
( I gave her one last kiss before I left her to sleep, I couldn't wipe the smile of my face she is pregnant again and I can't wait my little princess will be here soon, she will be papa's little girl and no boy will ever take her way from me, I have already decided she will be homeschooled so she will never be around any boy then she will work with her brother and I so I and Andro can keep and eye on her to make sure there are no boys trying to take her away )

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