Bringing her home

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Adonis pov- the car ride was long and torturous, everything that happened kept playing on reply in my head I didn't even know if I was headed to the Location Emerald was at.
It's killing me not knowing if she is okay or not, guilt keeps rising through me, if I hadn't left to the office she still would be here, she would be safe.
"God please I know I haven't been to church or prayed in a long time but please I am begging you watch over her, protect her , I can't lose her our son can't lose her....

Adam- Adonis.....Adonis.....( I look over at Adonis calling him a few times but he is completely zoned out when I see I final have his attention I start talking again )
Adonis we are just pulling up remember, I need you to stay back where sending in the bugs once we have her location then we will strike, you are to stay here do not come in an engage in anyway, I only allowed you to come because I have known you my whole life and I know you would have made your way here anyway , so this way I know your safe, if Emerald is there we will get her out I promise you that.

Adonis- fine I will stay...( well only if I know Emerald is okay if they have hurt her I will destroy them all but he doesn't need to know that )

Emerald Pov- I am trying to will away the pain I am in and trying my hardest to keep strong but it's hard when every inch of my body is cover in bruises and deep welts from a whip, I don't even know how long I have been here, His hasn't come down here since I came here it beat me mercilessly until the morning came again then he threw me in here and chained me up and I only know this because he kept throwing ice cold water on me to keep me awake, he said it was no fun if I passed out, my throat is bone dry and my stomach hurts so much, I know I haven't eaten cause they haven't given me anything the last time I eat was a home ( crying ) I have no idea how long that was there is no window or anything I am in like a closet of some sort, the smell is disgusting I won't say what it is but you put two and two together I am chain in a small closet like area, I can't go anywhere.
Please god let Adonis fine me, I want to go home.

Adam - okay we know Emerald is here and we have her location you three take then back you three the left side and you three the right the 5 of us will take the front as soon as we blow the door open I want you to keep an eye out for Emerald.

- yes sir......

Emerald pov - I can see my self Slipping away as my eyes become weaker and start to shut I can hear a loud bang almost like an explosion or a small bomb, I shut my eyes and pray it's Adonis and that even if I die right now at least he will be here to bring my body home with one last long breath I give in to the darkness.

- we found her sergeant she's not looking too good

Adam- we have Donny and Sarah in custody bring her out here the ambulance should be here in a minute be careful with her.

Adonis pov- After hearing Emerald wasn't doing good I stormed up to Donny who was being dragged by one of the officers I tackle him to the ground and start punching him over and over again until Adam pulls me off.

Adam - Adonis you need to calm down look his bringing Emerald now and the ambulance is here just let him be and go be with Emerald she needs you know more then ever...

Adonis pov- I was breathing so heavily, has I saw one them carrying a lifeless looking Emerald in there arms I ran straight to them ripping Emerald from his arms and settling her into the only arms she needs my own.
I can see she is breathing but it's very weak, I start to shake and tremble my tear falling down, when I see the ambulance pull in I run to them with her in my arms, I yelled and screamed at them when they tried to take her away.

Adam- Adonis listen to me they are here to help her but they can't do that if you won't lay her down, why don't you take a seat next to her and hold her hand okay, talk to her let her know your here, the quicker they stabilise her the quicker she will get to the hospital, deep breath okay just lay her down and let them get to work.

Adonis pov- I nod my head and reluctantly lay Emerald down they check her vitals and stick and IV in her arm, and hook her up to a heart Monitor once that is all done they start driving to the hospital Adam text me saying He already informed the hospital that Mrs Romano was on her way to the hospital in critical condition they have there best team of doctors waiting outside the hospital.
I put my head close to her ear and whisper

Adonis- baby girl just hang on, we will be at the hospital soon, just keep fighting for me for us Andro and I , our family, I love you so much kitten, I love you....I love you.....

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