Funerals & Betrayal Games

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Both sides were preparing for the funerals.

In the orphanage, Way took charge of getting things ready for the funeral of the fatherly figure who had been a source of comfort for them all. The room was kind of dim, and it felt really sad.

Way, trying to be strong: "We're going to give him a proper farewell. He meant a lot to us."

Kim and Sonic, standing nearby, looked really sad. Kim, who usually has a lot to say, was quiet. Sonic, usually full of energy, was holding back tears.

Way, noticing their struggle, tried to be reassuring: "We'll get through this together. Let's remember the good times."

As they kept getting things ready, the kids in the orphanage quietly gathered. Way thought it would be good for them to share memories.

Way, talking to the kids: "He was like a father to us. Anyone want to share a special memory?"

A little girl raised her hand shyly.

Little Girl: "He used to tell us bedtime stories and tuck us in. I'll miss that."

Way, smiling softly: "Thank you for sharing. We'll remember those moments."

While Way focused on organizing, Kim and Sonic, feeling really sad, found a quiet corner to talk away from the kids.

Kim, voice breaking: "I can't believe he's gone, Sonic. He was like a father to us."

Sonic, holding back tears: "We have to be strong for Phi and the kids. They're looking up to us."

Wiping away tears, the two brothers, who usually joke a lot, shared a moment of sadness. They knew that being strong sometimes means showing your feelings.

Way, unaware of their private talk, kept working on the funeral arrangements. The room had a mix of sadness, memories, and the strength of those left behind.

The funeral preparations were a reminder of how much the fatherly figure meant to them. In their sadness, Way, Kim, and Sonic tried to honor the past while being there for the kids who depended on them.

In this shared moment of feeling sad, the orphanage became a place where the lives of the three brothers and the kids they cared for were connected. It was a time to be strong and remember together.

On the day of the funeral, the orphanage felt quiet and sad. The sun was setting, and everyone gathered to say goodbye to the man who had been like a father to them.

Way, dressed in dark clothes, stood in front of a small group of kids, Kim and Sonic, looking sad, stood beside him. Way spoke, trying to be strong.

Way: "Today, we're not just saying goodbye; we're celebrating the life of a man who was like a father to us. He may not be our real dad, but he was like one in every way."

A gentle breeze made the flowers on the altar sway, creating a peaceful moment.

Kim, struggling to hold back tears, spoke next: "He made us laugh, comforted us, and told us funny jokes. I'll always remember his jokes."

Sonic nodded, adding: "And the bedtime stories. He made bedtime special for us. He was like a storyteller and a friend."

The kids, some holding drawings and notes they made, listened quietly. The little girl from before held her drawing close.

Way, acknowledging the kids: "He's still with us in our memories and the things he taught us. Let's take a moment to remember those lessons and the joy he brought."

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