Raging Emotions

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The boss leaned forward in his chair, his voice low and commanding as he addressed his subordinate.

"Did you get the information about who killed our men?" he asked, the intensity of his gaze piercing through the phone line.

The man, gulps while saying, " We don't know who killed them but....but it looks like it was Sinister Seraph"

He tapped his fingers impatiently on the desk as he processed the information.

" Sinister Seraph ," he muttered to himself, the name sending a shiver down his spine. "How did they find out about the auction?"

His man on the other end of the line remained silent. The boss's jaw clenched as he suppressed his anger.

"We can't afford any mistakes," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "Make sure this doesn't happen again."

The man nodded quickly, his voice almost a whisper as he assured his boss. "Yes, boss. We'll do whatever it takes to rectify this."

The boss's gaze hardened as he shifted his attention to the next matter at hand.

"And what about the spy?" he demanded, his tone sharp. "Why haven't we heard from her yet?"

The man hesitated for a moment before responding. "We're having trouble making contact," he admitted reluctantly. "But rest assured, we're doing everything we can to locate her."

The boss's frustration reached its peak, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the phone tightly.

"Useless," he muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with disdain.

With a final click, he ended the call, his mind racing with thoughts of vengeance and retribution.


Sonic stirred awake, the soft rays of morning light filtering through the curtains. Blinking sleepily, he realized he was nestled securely in the embrace of North's strong arms.

He couldn't help but admire the peaceful expression on North's face as he slept.

As Sonic watched, North's lips curled into a half-smile, even in his slumber.

A playful glint danced in his closed eyes, and suddenly, he let out a flirty yet funny remark, his voice tinged with sleepiness.

"Enjoying the view, sweetheart?" North murmured, his tone playful and suggestive.

Sonic's cheeks flushed crimson as he chuckled softly, " Ah hahah no no" feeling a rush of affection for the man beside him.

He blushed furiously as he attempted to extricate himself from North's grasp, but North's grip on his arm remained firm.

"Are you trying to make a run for it?" North teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Flustered, Sonic shook his head frantically. "N-no, of course not! How could I run away?" he stammered, his cheeks still tinged pink. "I-I'm just going to make breakfast."

North raised an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of amusement and concern. "Why? Its so early " he inquired, his tone laced with whine.

Sonic sighed, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, after phi Way and phi Pete's little spat last night, I don't think phi Way will be in any condition to cook," he admitted sheepishly.

North's lips twitched in a sarcastically serious manner. "Ah, yes. The aftermath of the great showdown," he remarked dryly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

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