Forging Bonds: Trials and Promises

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As they settled in Kenta's room, Way took a deep breath before starting to explain what had happened after they left.

Way: "Kim and Sonic were doing their best to calm me down... Their presence helped, but the fear was overwhelming."

As he mentioned Pete, Kenta, Winner, and North couldn't help but smile faintly, a small glimmer of relief amidst the tension.

Kenta: "It's good to know they were there for you, Way."

Winner: "We'll make sure this doesn't happen again. No one messes with our family."

Their determination to protect one another was palpable, a silent vow to stand united against any threat that dared to challenge their bond.


As Kim and Sonic were calming Way down, Sonic's voice broke the tense silence. "I'm feeling thirsty phi. I'll go grab some water from the kitchen," he announced before leaving the room.

Minutes ticked by, and Sonic's absence stretched into an uneasy silence. Kim exchanged worried glances with Way, whose anxiety mirrored his own.

"He's taking quite a while," Kim remarked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, he shouldn't be gone this long," Way agreed, his brows furrowing with worry.

Suddenly, their conversation was shattered by a bloodcurdling scream that reverberated through the mansion.

"AHHHHHHH!" Sonic's scream pierced the air, jolting both Kim and Way into action.

"SONIC!" they shouted simultaneously, panic coursing through their veins as they bolted downstairs, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls.

The fear in their hearts spurred them forward, each step heavier than the last as they raced towards the source of the scream, praying fervently that Sonic was safe.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Kim and Way rushed downstairs, their hearts pounding in their chests.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they were met with a harrowing sight—a masked assailant had a tight grip on Sonic's wrist, dragging him towards the door.

Way's fury erupted like a volcano as he watched the scene unfold before him. "You bastard!" he spat, his voice dripping with venom as he hurled curses at the masked figure.

"You miserable excuse for a coward!" he roared, his words cutting through the tense air like a whip. "How dare you lay your filthy hands on MY BABY!"

In a split-second decision fueled by rage and desperation, Way's  shot out, seizing a nearby glass vase. With a primal roar, he launched it at the assailant with all his might, aiming for their head.

The vase connected with a sickening crash, shattering upon impact. The assailant recoiled in pain, releasing their grip on Sonic's wrist as they stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Sonic broke free from the assailant's grasp, bolting towards Way and Kim with wide eyes filled with fear and relief.

Safe at last, he sought refuge in the comforting embrace of his brothes, his heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled ordeal.

The bodyguard's urgency pierced through the chaos of the moment, his voice a desperate plea for immediate action.

"We've been attacked! Please, run from HERE!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear.

Way, though torn by indecision, couldn't ignore the gravity of the situation. "How can we leave you all—" he began, his voice tinged with concern.

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