The Uninvited Surprise

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As they meticulously adorned the hall with streamers and balloons, North couldn't help but express his skepticism about the theme and decorations.

"I still don't understand why we're going with this theme. It doesn't seem like something Kenta would appreciate," he remarked, his tone laced with doubt.

Winner, with his usual composed demeanor, placed a reassuring hand on North's shoulder, his voice calm yet firm.

"Trust me, North. Even if the theme isn't exactly what Kenta would have chosen, the love and dedication poured into this celebration by Way, Sonic, and Kim will make it unforgettable."

Pete, known for his straightforwardness, interjected with a heartfelt sentiment.

"You know, before these boys came into our lives, it was all shades of darkness, with splatters of red blood marking our path. But now, it's like they've brought color back into our world. We owe it to them to show our appreciation."

North, still skeptical, nodded in understanding, though his doubts lingered.

"I guess you're right, but I still don't see how all these decorations fit into the theme," he admitted, eyeing the colorful array of decorations with uncertainty.

Winner, sensing North's apprehension, continued, "Think about it, North. Way, Sonic, and Kim have brought us closer together, showing us a different side of life. It's time we open our hearts to them, fully embracing the warmth and joy they've brought into our lives."

Pete, with a nod of agreement, echoed Winner's sentiment. "Exactly, North. Let's show them how much they mean to us, not just today but every day."

Their conversation carried a weight of gratitude and reflection, highlighting the profound impact Way, Sonic, and Kim had made on their lives.

As they continued decorating, their camaraderie deepened, bound by a newfound sense of appreciation and affection for one another.


As they embarked on the cake-making endeavor, Way couldn't contain his amusement at Sonic's infectious enthusiasm.

With Way taking the lead, deftly measuring ingredients and skillfully mixing them, Sonic eagerly assisted, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Hey, Phi Way, do you think we should add sprinkles to the cake? It would make it look so festive and fun!" Sonic suggested, his voice bubbling with excitement.

Way chuckled softly at Sonic's suggestion, his heart warmed by Sonic's genuine excitement.

"That's a fantastic idea, baby Sonic! Sprinkles would definitely add a playful touch to the cake," he replied, his tone filled with admiration for Sonic's creativity.

Sonic eagerly grabbed the container of colorful sprinkles, his hands trembling with excitement as he sprinkled them over the cake batter.

"This is so much fun, phi Way! I never knew baking could be this exciting!" Sonic exclaimed, his laughter ringing through the kitchen.

Way smiled warmly at Sonic's exuberance, his heart swelling with affection.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, my baby. Baking should always be a joyous experience," Way replied, his voice filled with warmth.

Together, they carefully placed the cake pans into the preheated oven, watching as the batter transformed into a golden-brown masterpiece.

As they waited for the cakes to bake, they exchanged stories and shared laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

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