Sassy Queen & the Guardians of innocence

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As Way ventured off to find the kitchen, Pete signaled his brothers to gather in his office. They assembled quietly, with a sense of urgency in the air.

"Alright, what's the news?" Pete asked, his tone commanding.

Winner cleared his throat, his expression grave. "The orphanage has been demolished," he began, "and the children are missing."

Pete's jaw tightened as he processed the information. "We need to find those kids," he asserted, his voice firm.

Winner nodded in agreement. "Our men are searching for them," he assured them, "but it seems like someone from the underworld is behind this."

Pete exchanged a glance with his brothers, a silent understanding passing between them.

"We can't afford to let our brothers know about our involvement or what happened to their orphanage," he warned sternly. "Until we have all the facts, we need to lay low and proceed carefully."

North shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his frustration evident. "But what about those responsible?" he interjected. "Shouldn't we be taking action?"

Pete held up a hand, his expression resolute. "We will," he replied firmly, "but we need to gather more information first. We can't risk putting the  boys in further danger."

Kenta nodded in agreement, his features set in determination. "Phi's right," he chimed in. "We have to prioritize their safety above all else."

The brothers exchanged determined glances, a silent vow passing between them to protect the innocent at all costs. With a shared sense of purpose, they prepared to navigate the treacherous waters of the underworld in search of answers.

As Way entered the kitchen and began preparing breakfast, his mind raced with thoughts of his innocent brothers and the turbulent events that had led them to this moment.

With a determined focus, he chopped, stirred, and seasoned, pouring his heart and soul into each dish.

After what seemed like hours, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, signaling that breakfast was ready.

Way glanced around the kitchen, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he surveyed his culinary creations.

With a smile on his face, Way called out to his brothers and other members, a mixture of excitement and anticipation in his voice. "EVERYONE THE BREAKFAST IS READY!" he announced, his words echoing through the halls of the mansion.

Moments later, Kim and Sonic stumbled into the kitchen, their eyes still heavy with sleep. But as soon as they caught sight of Way, their faces lit up with joy and relief. They rushed to him, enveloping him in tight hugs, their warmth and affection palpable.

Way returned their embraces, holding them close as he whispered soothing words of reassurance. "Don't worry, my little ones, everything is okay" he murmured softly, his voice gentle yet firm.

Kim, whisper: "I couldn't sleep well last night."

Sonic nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting his own unease. "Me neither," he admitted, his voice trembling slightly. "I kept having nightmares about what happened with us."

Way's expression softened, understanding their fears all too well. "I know, guys," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "It was a scary situation for all of us."

Kim shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I just keep worrying about what might happen next," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

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