Shattered Bonds & Trust

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" Phi... I think there's some misunderstanding between you and phi pete.... I have seen love in his eyes for you phi.... " Sonic said, trying to reason with way.

"Love.....haha" Way scoffed, his voice tinged with hurt. "But what happened last night... Doesn't go with what you are saying."

Sonic nodded, acknowledging Way's feelings. "I know, but think about everything phi Pete's done for us. He's always looked out for us, even when we didn't realize it. Maybe there's more to it than we know."

Way sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I want to believe that, Sonic. I really do. But what if we're wrong? What if trusting him again just leads to more pain?"

Kim: "There must be a good reason about it." Chimes in.

Way, with heart broken: "Enough! How can you guys believe them? You guys just met them few days ago and you support them more than me."

Sonic, tries to calm way : "phi Way, we're not trying to take sides. We just want to believe that there's a good reason for what happened. Phi Pete and the others have been nothing but kind to us since we got here."

Way: "But don't you see? They've been lying to us from the beginning! How can we trust anything they say now?"

Sonic: " Phi Way, we're just trying to understand. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye."

Way, totally broken : "I need some time alone, guys. Please, just leave me ."

Kim and sonic got up and left the room. Way looked at the mirror his reflection stared back at him, his eyes filled with tears reflecting the turmoil within him.

He whispered to himself, "Why is this happening to me?" His voice cracked with emotion as he struggled to comprehend the complexities of his current predicament.

Meanwhile, Kim and Sonic exchanged a worried glance outside the room, silently acknowledging the pain Way was going through.

They sighed heavily, feeling helpless in the face of their brother's suffering. Eventually, they reluctantly left the room, giving Way the space he needed to process his emotions.

Inside the room, Way remained alone with his thoughts, his heart heavy with sorrow. He paced back and forth, his mind racing with questions and doubts.

"Do they understand the risks of living with those brothers?" he wondered aloud, his voice trembling with emotion.

Sonic sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the situation on his shoulders. Kim sensed his distress and pulled him into a comforting hug, offering silent support.

"We should leave phi Way alone for now," Kim suggested softly. "He needs some time to process everything."

Nodding in agreement, Sonic leaned into the embrace, grateful for his brother's understanding.

"You're right," he replied, his voice tinged with concern. "Let's give him some space and let him handle this on his own."

As they released each other from the hug, Sonic looked around the hallway, his mind racing with thoughts of what to do next.

"It's almost lunchtime," he remarked, trying to focus on a practical task. "Should we make lunch?"

Kim nodded in agreement, appreciating Sonic's attempt to shift their focus to something more manageable.

"Yeah, let's make lunch," he replied, mustering a small smile. "It'll give us something to do while we wait for phi Way to feel better."

With a shared sense of determination, the brothers headed towards the kitchen to prepare a meal, hoping that the simple act of cooking would provide them with a much-needed distraction.

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