Sold & Rescue

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The spotlight illuminated the innocent boys in see-through clothes, making the mafia brothers seethe with rage.The innocent boys, unaware of the cruel reality surrounding them, found themselves in a state of confusion and disorientation. The effects of the drugs took a toll on them, distorting their expressions and leaving them in a vulnerable state.

The mafia boys were stunned and furious as they saw the innocent boys being paraded as the so-called "priceless things" at the auction. Pete, Kenta, winner, and North couldn't believe what they were witnessing, their anger building up like a storm.

Pete's eyes narrowed, a storm brewing within him. "What in the hell is this?" he growled, his voice a low, seething rumble.

Kenta's usual calm demeanor shattered as he gritted his teeth, unable to contain his anger. "This is beyond sick," he muttered, his fists clenching involuntarily.

North, typically sarcastic, was now genuinely furious. "They think they can treat people like objects?" he snarled, his eyes ablaze.

The auctioneer's attempts to glamorize the situation only fueled their rage. "These are human beings, not commodities!" Pete declared, slamming his hand on the table.

Winner grabbed pete's arm, trying to calm him down.

Kenta, his tone cutting like a blade, shot back, "They have no right to exploit them like this!"

North, never one to hold back, added, "They're playing with fire, and They're going to get burned."

The mafia brothers except winner , united in their fury, exchanged determined glances. "This ends now," Pete declared, his voice a thunderous command. Kenta nodded in agreement, and North's eyes flashed with a resolve that promised swift retaliation.

Winner intervened, his calm demeanor contrasting the fiery anger in the room. "Hold on," he said, his voice cutting through the tension.

"We can't let our emotions dictate our actions. We need a strategic approach." Pete, Kenta, and North exchanged glances, reluctantly lowering their weapons.

Winner continued, "If we go guns blazing, it might put the boys in more danger. We need to be smart about this." He suggested a plan to buy the innocent boys discreetly, ensuring their safety.

"Silent but deadly," Winner emphasized, laying out the steps to avoid a chaotic confrontation.

Pete, still seething, grunted in agreement. Kenta, though irritated, acknowledged the wisdom in Winner's words. North, though begrudgingly, nodded.

The brothers, fueled by both anger and the need to protect the innocent boys, reluctantly agreed to follow Winner's strategic approach.

As the room simmered with restrained tension, the mafia brothers prepared to navigate the dark underbelly of the auction with a calculated plan, determined to rescue the innocent boys from this degrading ordeal.

A scene portraying the internal conflict of emotions and the strategic shift in the mafia brothers' approach, guided by Winner's pragmatic thinking.

The auction room buzzed with eager bidders, their voices resonating as they competed for the chance to claim Way. The older men, driven by desires veiled in shadows, called out staggering amounts, their words dripping with a mix of greed and dubious intent.

Older Man 1: "twenty million!"
Older Man 2: "Thirsty million!"
Older Man 3: "forty million!"

Their bids escalated rapidly, creating an unsettling tension in the room. Pete, standing firm, matched each bid with unwavering determination.

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