Traumatic Echoes of Past

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The mafia boys stood poised in front of the office door, their tension palpable as North clenched his fists, ready to break down the door. But before he could make a move, Winner's hand shot out, halting him in his tracks.

"Wait," Winner whispered, his voice low but commanding. "Let's listen first."

From within the office, the muffled sound of a voice on a phone call reached their ears, prompting them to freeze in place. Kenta narrowed his eyes, straining to make out the words.

"Do you hear that?" he murmured to the others.

Pete nodded, his jaw set with determination. "Someone's in there."

North's impatience was evident as he shifted on his feet, itching to take action. "What are they saying?" he demanded in a hushed tone.

Winner raised a cautionary finger to his lips, signaling for silence as they strained to catch snippets of the conversation filtering through the door.

Inside the office, the conversation continued, the voices muffled but audible through the closed door.

Caller: "Did you get rid of those orphanage kids yet?"

Boss: "Yeah, they're taken care of. Sold them off for a nice profit."

Caller: "Good. And what about the orphanage? Have you dealt with that eyesore yet?"

Boss: "Not yet, but we're planning to bulldoze it down soon. Once it's gone, we can build whatever we want on that land."

Caller: "And what about the old man? Did you make sure he's out of the picture?"

Boss: "He's gone. Died before we could take care of him ourselves."

Caller: "Good riddance. We don't need anyone interfering with our plans."

Boss: "yes sir"

Caller: "Excellent work. The money will be transferred to your account as soon as we confirm everything is taken care of."

Boss: "Thanks, sir. You can count on us to handle things smoothly."

The mafia boys, hearing the exchange, felt a surge of anger and determination to put an end to the corrupt dealings they had just uncovered.

The boss hung up the call and that's when north kicked the door, sending it off.

North: "Well, well, well, look who we've got here. William, the little drug dealer."

Boss: "Who dares to barge into my office like this?!"

North: "We're not here for pleasantries, William. We know what you've been up to."

Boss: "And what might that be? You've got no proof of anything."

Kenta: "We don't need proof when we've got your confessions, straight from your own mouth."

Pete: "It's over, William. Your little empire is crumbling as we speak."

Boss: "You think you can intimidate me? I've got connections. I'll make sure you all regret this."

Winner: "Save your threats, William. We're not here to negotiate. We're here to end this."

As the tension in the room escalated, the mafia boys stood firm, ready to confront the boss and put an end to his illicit activities.

Pete: "Who do you work for, William? Don't play games with us."

William: "I answer to no one! You'll regret crossing me, I assure you."

Kenta "Enough of your games. Time to come clean."

William, reaching for his gun: "I'll show you who's in control here!"

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