Chapter 5

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Bold words are English
Bold & Italic words are onomatopoeia
Italic words are flashbacks or thoughts or explanation etc.

Damn Idol Episode 5

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The devil of the crossroads.

It's a name that seems funny at first glance, but that's not the case among musicians.

The devil of the crossroads was first introduced to the world by Robert Johnson, known as the 'Father of Rock'.

Robert Johnson made a deal with the devil at a crossroads to gain guitar skills and rock music.

Stories related to this were also released as songs, <Crossroad> and <Me and the Devil Blues>.

This had a significant influence on the fact that white people in the past called rock and blues the devil's music.

Ever since Robert Johnson, rumors about the Devil at the Crossroads have always circulated in the music world.

A photo of the Beatles crossing the most famous crosswalk on their album cover.

People used to say that this implied that they had made a pact with the devil of the crossroads.

I came across this on YouTube, and of course I thought it was gossip that was far from the truth.

Because in the 21st century, it's funny to believe in things like the devil of the crossroads.


When the devil appeared in front of us, it was no longer a matter of gossip.

[Do you want to live?]

I raised my head to a voice that I could not believe belonged to a living being that existed in the world.

Debris from the crushed car is piercing my father's chest.

The mother, bleeding from the head, is no longer breathing.

[Or do you want to save them?]

At that moment, I think I instinctively realized that the being in front of me was a devil.

The devil waves his hand.

The fragments lodged in my father's chest disappear and the wound heals.

Mom also begins to breathe, albeit slowly.

In an incredible situation, I remained incredibly calm and collected.

It's not my will.

The devil had forcibly activated my reason and intellect.

[If you achieve your goal, they will survive.]

"Then what now?"

[It's just that you're not dead. Would you understand if we stopped in a state where death was postponed?]

"Then the goal is......."

I couldn't help but think of murder, terrorism, pseudo-religion, etc.

But the devil's answer to this was absurd.

"Album? That album I know?"

200 million albums sold.

At first, I thought it was the devil's work.

Why would a being that is hard to believe exists in the world care about album sales?

Of course, now I know why the devil set this condition.

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