Chapter 39

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Damn Idol Episode 39

After the opening, the main topic began.

"So, what are you going to do today?"

Probably deciding the position.

From what I heard from Kang Seok-woo, the first mission was a battle between the same positions from each team.

"We're going to play a room assignment game."

... ... Nope.

"The accommodation has one single room and two double rooms. In other words, only one person can occupy a single room."

I would like to be assigned a single room.

Not because I want to be comfortable, but because of nightmares.

Quite often I wake up screaming from a nightmare.

But this is quite a nuisance to the person I sleep with.

Especially when your schedule is tight, every minute of sleep is precious.

"The game is very, very, very simple."

Blue smiled strangely and revealed the game.

"It's a happy birthday! The room selection will be given to the person with the most guesses."

"Birthday? We already know everything... ... ?"

"Ready take scene participants?"


"Do you know the birthday of a Han Sion participant?"

"... ... no?"

"It's a game where you guess the birthday of the opposing team, not the same team. But Ready contestant, when is my birthday?"

"It's August 9th, right?"

"No. It's up."

"... ... September 8th?"


"... ... ."

"Why don't you know my birthday? We're in the same agency, and I especially bought you a lot of food, right?"


Blue, who had been teasing Ready who has a bright hair, revealed his birthday.

It's August 19th.

It was pretty similar but it's really sharp.

Well, it's all just a joke for broadcasting.

"Okay, first take scene. Let's stand in a line."

The game started when the take scenes were sorted in the following order: Juyeon, Fade, Ready, CU, and Ilevel.

"You can ask a question twice. Three months and one hundred days start in the order in which you stand!"

Wow, really. I don't know what game this is playing.

Would it be fun if this appeared on TV?

I think it will take a lot more time than I thought.

"Han Sion participant? Let's start by guessing Juyeon participant's birthday, shall we?"

"Hmm. November 11th?"

"It's up."

However... ... .

It's very good (slang).

"December 25th?"

"... ... correct."

"... ... !"

I know Juyeon's birthday.

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