Chapter 19

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Damn Idol Episode 19

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The stage has ended.

The contestants clapped in accordance with the production crew's instructions, but the judges put their heads together and began discussing something.

At the end of the story, it was Blue who raised her hand.

"Producer, can I see a video of the original song performance?"

Audition programs are much more planned than the public thinks.

There is a script for many parts, and there are times when things that seem improvised have a set A to Z order.

In the latter half of the year, when the competition became fiercer, there were cases where elimination or acceptance was decided even before the performance.

But that wasn't the case now.

This was because the participants' song selections were not notified in advance.

The judges did not remember every stage of every song.

"Then it's okay if we all watch it together on the screen, right? With the participants."

"yes. Of course."

Soon, Way From Flower's performance began to be broadcast on the screen behind the stage.

"Oh, right."

"It felt like this."

The participants twitched their mouths but were careful what they said.

Girl group fandom is lighter than boy group fandom, but if you look at the core fans, that's not necessarily true.

If you use your mouth incorrectly here, you may be in trouble from the first-tier girl group fandom.

But still, everyone was thinking the same thing.

'It is awkward.'

'Why did you raise the note?'

'It wasn't raised, but Han Si-on lowered it... ... .'

Han Sion's version is the original song, and Way From Flower's version is like a cover.

That's not a very great cover either.

This was quite surprising.

They only heard the Han Si-on version once, but they've listened to the original song many times.

In other words, Han Si-on's one shot has a more intense taste than the original song's dozens or hundreds of times.

Meanwhile, the judges looked at each other and nodded.

After the video was broadcast, the first person to grab the microphone was mentor Blue.

"Han Si-on participant?"


"Why didn't you tell me? I didn't know either."

"You mean choreography?"

"yes. You took the direction of the dance in the opposite direction?"

To be precise, Han Si-on did not do all the dancing in reverse.

It makes no sense to dance the basic movements in reverse.

But the key movements clearly took place in the opposite direction.

The hand movement of pushing and unfolding was grasping and pulling with a pin.

The steps extending from the inside out were closed from the outside in.

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