Chapter 40

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Damn Idol Episode 40

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"We are revealing the positions of 3 Months & 100 Days."

No matter how much I have forgotten or ignored the idol version, I still know the concept of positions.

Main vocal, lead vocal, sub vocal.

1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

Rappers and dancers are categorized in the same order.

No, there were no sub dancers?

Because all idol members have to dance anyway?

In fact, in English-speaking groups, there is no distinction between main vocals and lead vocals.

In the past, the face of the band was called 'lead vocalist', and it was rare to call them the main vocalist.

As time goes by, lead vocalist and main vocalist seem to be used interchangeably with the same meaning.

However, in Korea, especially the idol version, it seems to be used as a criterion to distinguish singing ability.

But what if you don't have an edge in singing skills?

Is there a team with two main vocalists?

I'll have to look it up on Namu Wiki later.

But why do people call Namu Wiki Geomu Wiki? (I think just for fun?)

'I'll just have to ask Choi Jae-seong.'

While I was thinking that, the position was revealed.


On Saemiro: Main vocalist

Lee Ion: Lead vocalist

Koo Tae-hwan: Lead vocalist / Main rapper

Han Si-on: Leader / Sub-vocal

Jaeseong Choi: Main dancer / Sub vocalist


I'm not the main vocalist but a sub vocalist?

According to common sense, I am worse at singing than the main vocalist and lead vocalist.

But that can't be true.

I am confident in my skills.

Shall we be a little more honest?

I don't know right now, but in two years, there will be no singer in Korea with a higher overall score than me.

I say overall score partly because there are people who are better than me.

Even if the singing itself is worse than mine, there are many singers who can handle a higher ultra-treble range or a lower ultra-low register.

However, if you were to give an overall score to the singer profession, I would definitely come in first place.

The same is true at this point.

At least in this gym, there is no one who has a deeper understanding of music than me and who sings better.

Including everyone from Blue, Yoo Seon-hwa, Lee Chang-jun, and Choi Dae-ho.

So, after putting aside my brief doubts, I became bored.

'I wonder if there's any pictures they need for broadcasting.'

When I think about it carefully, I think it's actually a good thing.

What I want is a quick debut after Coming Up Next ends.

It will be a great help if I can show that I can handle any role the team needs without making a fuss.

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