Chapter 29

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Damn Idol Episode 29

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Tick, tick.

Kang Seok-woo, who was sitting at his desk and clicking his pen as a habit, reviewed the contents of the filming so far.

The only time he directly intervened in the filming structure was the B team selection match, but that doesn't mean that's the only one we've filmed so far.

The second filming team has taken a lot of interviews from the take scenes and daily scenes in the practice room, and tomorrow they are also planning to release a reaction video for the B team selection stage.

In addition, personal interviews and daily scenes of Team B members were filmed.

Although Onsaemi-ro and Lee Ion had the most screen time, Choi Jae-seong and Koo Tae-hwan's screenplays were not small.

The next thing they filmed was the scene in question.

It was a recording of Han Si-on's "Under the Street Light."

Kang Seok-woo originally planned to film Han Si-on's personal interview and some daily scenes here.

The reason they didn't notify him in advance was because they thought it would be more natural for a situation to suddenly occur.

However, after witnessing what happened at LB Studio, I realized that there was no need for Han Si-on's personal part.

I never imagined that I would think like this after seeing an aspiring idol, but what Han Si-on needs is not enough filming.

It shows music.

Most personal cuts in audition programs have the meaning of 'Would you be interested in me?'

So there is no need for Han Sion.

If you play music, people will go crazy and try their best to get to know Han Si-on.

'Because he has that level of skill.'

After listening to Han Si-on's song <Under the Streetlight> on Coming Up Next, I thought that this song would dominate the first half of the year.

However, <Under the Street Light>, sung at LB Studio, seemed like it would have no lifespan.

Aren't there songs like that?

I listened to it like crazy and then forgot about it, but one day I remembered it and listened to it again and again.

A song I listen to all my life.

It's just that kind of song.

So, when Lee Hyun-seok, who came up to me with a flushed face after the performance, asked if I would like to release the song as a digital version.

'Then why don't you pay to this?'

I also thought this.

All plans are perfect.

Kang Seok-woo will focus on Han Si-on's musicality and genius.

Then, when the atmosphere was fully ripe, I would share his parents' story to the world.

A genius left alone after his parents were declared vegetative.

It's a structure you can't help but root for.

Now there was only one problem left.

Highlighting Han Sion goes against the planning intention of Coming Up Next.

In the first place, this program was for Take Scene's debut.

Tick, tick.

PD Kang Seok-woo, who had been thinking about it for a while, got up and headed to the director's office.

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