Chapter 71

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Damn Idol Episode 71

Since it was a topic he had been thinking about, Kang Seok-woo immediately nodded.

"It's a shame. It's such a waste."

It's a simple story.

M Show does not want to let Han Si-on go as a free agent even after <Coming Up Next> ends.

The current Han Sion is the goose that lays golden eggs.

Even though you can't rip open the goose's stomach, you can't send it off to another house's barn.

"Should we try to make a fool of ourselves and recruit him? As a celebrity belonging to the channel?"

"Lion paid too much for the production cost for that. If you make a mistake, you will be caught."

"hmm... ... ."

Although Lion Entertainment's sales ranking has dropped, it is still in the top three in terms of recognition.

On the other hand, M Show competes for 3rd to 4th place in the cable channel rankings excluding public channels, and falls further when OTTs such as Netflix are included.

It was said that it was risky to bring in Han Sion while pretending to carry Lion.

It has been agreed that Lion Entertainment will have the highest negotiating rights for the Coming Up Next cast members.

"We have to share take scene's profits for several years... ... . It's uncomfortable to fight."

"R u sure? Isn't it because you have something in mind that you called me?"

"You know, I'm thinking about it. But I couldn't decide. Which of the two is a good idea?"

"Please tell me. Let's think about it together."

The director who was tapping the table opened his mouth.

"Seokwoo. The worst thing for us is that Han Si-on becomes Lion's trainee, right?"

"you're right."

What if Han Si-on debuts after being a trainee at Lion Entertainment for about two years?

We'll miss the opportunity to say, 'We made it happen, so give us a share.'

Even after just six months, the influence of Coming Up Next will have long since disappeared.

"First of all, I got a call from NT. They have a boy group that they are raising ambitiously. It's called LMC."


"I guess they want to recruit Han Si-on there. They will give a condition to share in Han Sion's profits for 5 years, so please push it."

"5 years?"

Kang Seok-woo's eyes widened.

Considering that a normal profit share ends within 1 to 2 years, this is an enormous period of time.

Of course, the amount shared will be enormous.

"There must be something they wish for a lot, right?"

"Yes. To bury Han Si-on."

"... ... ah."

Kang Seok-woo immediately understood what the director said.

"Isn't it a program that has to push take scene anyway? Set it up in front of take scene, and turn Han Sion into an appropriate folding screen. You've already pulled out all the berries, this is it."

"If Han Sion's value drops like that, NT will play Showbu with Lion?"

"Correct. They compensate for the collapse in the program's viewer ratings with a 5-year share."

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