Chapter 64

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Damn Idol Episode 64

The concept itself is quite plausible.

But wouldn't it look promiscuous if you actually wore an outfit like that?

'is not it? If the colors are the same, I think it will create a sense of unity?'

Producer Kang Seok-woo thought something like that, but didn't say it out loud.

Around that time, Take Scene delivered its own costume design to the costume team.

It was a costume that went well with the team concept of 'filming a movie.'

"You plan it well? I think you can pick up your clothes quickly. But since the points here are too much, how about subtracting them or combining them into one?"

"All right."

"Let's fix it!"

Around the time Take Scene, who accepted the costume team's advice, was revising the design, 3 M & 100 D also completed its own costume design.

The chief designer, who was looking closely at the 3 M & 100 D's draft, chuckled.

"It's a fun idea. But realistically, it would be difficult to get the colors to be exactly the same, right?"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. How can a classic British suit and a hanbok give the same saturation and brightness? It would be difficult to match the blue jeans and school uniform with the exact same texture."

Today's shooting order was to first shoot the version that would be published in the magazine, and in the meantime, airlift the self-made costumes submitted by each team.

In fact, neither Take Scene nor 3 M & 100 D decided on the specific design of the costume.

They don't have the ability to do that, and they don't need to.

It was closer to the concept that each team would submit an idea-level draft, and the costume team would use it as a reference to pick up appropriate clothes.

Therefore, if uniformity of color was required as in the case of three months and a hundred days, the situation was bound to become complicated.

It was not easy to find clothes with a completely different design but the same color in just a few hours.

At that time, Han Sion proposed a solution.

"Wouldn't it be possible to correct the color after shooting?"


"Yes. It would be great if we could make costumes, but since we don't have the means, wouldn't that be the only way?"

"Hmm... ... . It's not difficult, but it wasn't discussed in advance."

When the head designer glanced at Producer Kang Seok-woo, Producer Kang Seok-woo laughed.

Han Si-on's three-chilled tongue has already caught up with the chief designer.

At first glance, it sounds like an ordinary conversation, but Han Si-on passed all responsibility for the current situation onto the production team.

If you can make costumes.

That's not the situation.

This is the only way.

Naturally placed sentences create the context that he has provided a solution, even though the responsibility is entirely yours.

The designer caught up in the situation naturally focused only on the point, 'Is it okay to do that?'

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