Chapter 99

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Damn Idol Episode 99

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- Hahaha, fucking look at Han Si-on's confidence haha.

-It's really enormous.

-Hyunseok hyung, come to your senses haha.

-He was frozen haha.

Lee Hyun-seok was hosting a content where he watched <Abyss Detector> together with his personal broadcast viewers.

The atmosphere was pretty good.

3 Months & 100 Days agency has not yet been revealed, social media has not been established, and there is no channel to communicate with fans.

Naturally, fans of 3 Months and 100 Days tended to flock to Lee Hyun-seok's broadcasts.

In other words, about 60-70% of Lee Hyun-seok's personal broadcast viewers are fans of 3 Months & 100 Days.

Of course, other influxes caused trouble.

However, Lee Hyun-seok came to realize something about humans while hosting an Internet broadcast.

Most of the bullies are people who want attention, and the best response is not to give them attention.

But this is a bit... ... .

-What do you think? I think Hyunseok hyung is a composer.

Although he gained popularity by supporting Han Si-on, the reason for cheering is ultimately music.

He really liked Han Si-on's music.

But Selfish is a really great song.

It may not be called a masterpiece yet, but as time goes by, it will rise to the ranks of masterpieces.

There is no significant difference in the quality of the music itself between <Three Months and One Hundred Days> and <Selfish>.

However, the popularity of melody development and fluidity is the advantage of selfie poetry.

In the end, Lee Hyun-seok decided to be honest.

"I think the quality of the music is similar, but I think Selfish is a better song in terms of popularity."

Comments are shaking at Lee Hyun-seok's words.

However, Lee Hyun-seok suddenly had a question.

'Why did Sion give this answer?'

Han Si On is a cold and cool-headed guy when it comes to music.

What Lee Hyun-seok especially admired was his self-objectification.

Just as the saying goes that middle-aged people can't cut their own hair, star composers often make strange mistakes.

If it had been someone else's song, I saved the part that would have been hit coldly in my song.

Because it's hard to see.

But not Han Sion.

I definitely felt it while watching the working process of <Under the Streetlight>.

Han Sion made a total of two versions of Under the Streetlight.

The first is a cover version that does not touch MR at all.

The second is a remake version completely composed by MR.

What is surprising is that when Han Sion made the remake version, he boldly deleted points that were much loved in the cover version.

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