Chapter 101

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Damn Idol Episode 101

Chris Edwards opened his mouth in response to Jankos' question.

"A friend said he had a dream."

Soon, the story that Han Si-on had requested began to flow.

In fact, Chris Edwards thought the story Sion created was quite romantic.

It is a story that cannot help but be interesting about a master who lost his youth in exchange for gaining expertise.

It's not just about flashy words, it's about the results being perfect.

Jankos, who had been listening carefully to Chris Edward's story, opened his mouth.

"You're telling a romantic lie."

"... ... !"

"It's a story I really want to believe. But you know, haven't I been doing music too long?"

At first, Jankos was confused as well.

I thought what Chris Edwards said might be true.

But one part bothered me.

That's right, the trumpet.

In this song, the trumpet's seat is intentionally left empty.

This is not to say that there is no place for the trumpet.

There is a place, but it is absent.

In other words, the composer could have inserted as many trumpet lines as he wanted, but he did not insert them intentionally.

Because a musician named Jankos Greenwood hated the trumpet at the beginning of his career.

Because my biological father, who abandoned my mother, was a trumpet player.

Of course, as time passed and I became a professional, I gave up this stubbornness.

It doesn't make sense for a big band to not have a trumpet.

Otherwise, I could sense the creator's intention here.

As Chris Edwards said, if this song is truly a song heard in a dream, there is no way it had any intention.

In other words, this song was created with the purpose of abstracting Jankos Greenwood's youth.

'But is that possible?'

I guessed it rationally, but emotionally it's hard to believe.

Could there be a composer with that level of skill?

I'm not talking about the technical part.

There are many pop jazz artists whose technique is comparable to the track I just heard.

What was fascinating to Jankos was how he could create the vibe of music that filled a musician's childhood.

This means that the composer has the ability to output the desired emotion through sound at any time.

Another thing I couldn't understand was why a musician with such talent would do something like this.

Because you're a fan?

That can't be possible.

If he was a true fan, he would have brought the completed song as a tribute song.

So to make fun of yourself?

That also makes no sense.

Jankos Greenwood, whose head was filled with such thoughts, finally opened his mouth.

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