Chapter 47

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Damn Idol Episode 47

So, the idea is to take the most famous part of a very famous pop song and make a song suitable for 3 Months & 100 Days.

What pop song is good?

'No, but is this self-produced?'

Lee Ion, who has experience in month-end evaluations, felt that self-production was closer to the feeling of reinterpreting a famous song.

Leave the beat the same but change the verse, change the chorus, etc.

I did a lot of this, especially pop songs.

Of course, it's a survival program, so it had to be better than that, but at least it didn't feel like what Han Si-on was talking about.

Then, a thought suddenly occurred to me.

"Sion. I'm just asking this question because it has nothing to do with the production meeting."

"Oh, please say so."

"What would you do if I took Baby and insisted that only the verse be changed to Korean and the chorus remain in English?"

"As a mission song?"


"That's not production, is it? It's just a cover song."

"Can I reinterpret the verse in my own way?"

"I don't know if you completely change the verse rhythm... ... . But then, if you take the original chorus, wouldn't the balance be broken?"

"No, without any musical opinions, just how do you feel?"

"In that case, I think it would be better to sing the original song as is... ... ."

Oh my god.

Lee Ion realized the identity of the sense of discomfort he had been feeling ever since the meeting began.

Han Sion has extremely high musical standards.

Currently, the meaning of the word 'producing' that the 3 Months & 100 Days members think of and the word 'producing' that Han Si-on thinks of are completely different.

The faces of the 3 Months & 100 Days members changed as they realized the meaning of Lee Ion's question.

Rather, only Han Si-ion had no idea why Lee Ion asked such a question.

"Why are you doing this?"

"No. Um, yeah. Let's start by selecting a song."

The same thought passed through the minds of all members except Han Si-on.

'Definitely a famous song.'

'A song that retains its original form no matter how Sion handles it.'

'A song that most people like.'

Of course, the members' thoughts were a bit of a misunderstanding.

Han Si-on is not a person who insists on his own musical standards.

Rather, he was a person who constantly explored and referenced things that the public would like.

However, the song that the members who did not know about it put their heads together and decided on was the song that swept the world in 2015.

Even as of March 2017, this song can be easily heard on the streets.

<Uptown Funk>.

"Isn't it such a famous song? This is not major pop, but mega hit pop, so listeners feel tired... ... ."

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