Chapter 11

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Damn Idol Episode 11
 Album 2. KKUN (The Crooks)
The first filming of Coming Up Next takes place at a convention center in Incheon.

Perhaps because of the location, I felt like I was participating in a business conference rather than an audition program.


Well, it's cancelled.

When I think about it, the participants' hair is so colorful.

What kind of clothes are they even wearing?

With that thought in mind, I looked around and saw nine participants sitting awkwardly.

Ten participants, including me, were sitting in the main hall of the convention center waiting for CEO Choi Dae-ho.

They seemed to be glancing at each other, perhaps because they couldn't even say their full names, let alone introduce themselves.

Honestly, I don't know what the reason behind this program is.

Team A, Take Scene, has been preparing for their debut at Lion Entertainment for a long time.

A nameless B team that was suddenly formed, or rather will be formed.

It is said that two teams will compete and the winning team will debut.......

According to common sense, Team A's debut is predetermined, and shouldn't Team B be seen as a bridesmaid?

Even if LB Studio's Lee Hyun-seok didn't tell me, it was the intention of the program that could be easily guessed.

Of course, justification is not that important in broadcasting.

What is important is the viewership rating, and as long as the viewership rating is high, justification arises automatically.

So, do you think this program will do well in the future?

I don't know.

I don't even remember if there was a program called Coming Up Next.

Although I had no involvement in the production of the program, that does not mean that this program necessarily existed.

This is something I have learned through numerous regressions, and there are things that involve uncertainty even if I do not intervene.

For example, something like this.
American comedian Burnett Adele is going to prison this year for a hit-and-run while driving under the influence.

However, sometimes it work without any problems.

Did he not drink alcohol, did he drink but in moderation, or did he not get caught by the police?

I'm not sure, but it's like that anyway.

The conclusion I came to is this.

Issues that are decided based on personal feelings can change regardless of me.

What if the launch of Coming Up Next is influenced by CEO Choi Dae-ho's emotions?

It may not have been there in my last life.

Still, if there was one thing that was certain, it was that Take Scene would make their debut.

I didn't know the name when I heard it, but I figured it out when I saw it on Lion Entertainment's YouTube channel.

It is a group that is quite popular, and the main vocalist sings quite well.

Later, he shed the label of being an idol and became a recognized solo vocalist.

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