Chapter 41

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Damn Idol Episode 41

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As the stage ends, quite a few people's emotions are felt in real time.

The 3 Months & 100 Days members seem to feel reassured, and PD Kang Seok-woo seems to think so.

And I don't know why, but it seems like there was an uproar among the broadcast writers.

As expected, the one that showed the biggest reaction was take scene.

I crushed Fade with a brutal score, but I didn't think take scene would have thought highly of me.

Originally, Weed's <At the End of Dawn> is such a song.

Wasn't this also written in a review posted by one of the audience members?

Skills: I couldn't tell if he was good enough since he sang an old, easy song, but it was great to listen to. Ah, it's difficult to give a score. 8~8.5?

It seemed like it was written by the Drop Out fan who I signed, but this is probably the reaction of the average public.

And take scene is also close to the ordinary public when it comes to 'listening ability'.

It is much more difficult to develop 'listening competency' than 'calling competency'. There are cases where you can't raise it for the rest of your life.

Anyway, I'm at a loss for words, but I wanted to say that TakeScene has finally discovered my skills.

As expected, Fade looked quite embarrassed.

"thank you."

Koo Tae-hwan, who was last in line behind me, sang a song, and it was quite fun.

"You sing the intro."


"Because the intro has to be catchy. Your sense of rhythm is enough."

As if he was influenced by what I said, he tried to sing all the parts like the intro.

Of course, there was no way that could happen all at once.

As expected, Koo Tae-hwan ruined the stage from the middle, but I felt quite happy.

Because Koo Tae-hwan's attempt was the right approach to achieve great success.

After the take scene and all stages of 3 Months and 100 Days were over, the next mission was revealed.

A position battle where the same positions from two teams face off.

Main Vocal - On Saemi-ro VS Juyeon

Lead Vocal - CU VS Lee Ion

Lead Vocal - Fade VS Koo Tae-hwan

Main dancer - Choi Jae-seong VS Ilevel

Sub Vocal - Han Sion VS Ready

Ready is the main rapper in the take scene, but is he treated as a sub vocalist here?

Or do I sing and Ready raps?

After listening to Blue's explanation, it was the latter.

Sing whatever you want, regardless of genre.

hmm. If I were Ready, I would choose rap and die an honorable death.

As the explanation of the next mission was coming to an end, CEO Choi Dae-ho took the microphone.

"What I want to tell you is to have the awareness that you are a professional."


"The performance you just performed, honestly, was all below expectations. Even taking into account the fact that it was a sudden, unannounced performance."

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