Chapter 2 - Lost in the snow

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She needs to look up to look into deep brown eyes. "Sullivan... What do you want?"

"Good morning to you too Captain?" his typical questioning look examines her. "Can I come in and talk to you for a moment?"

Andy opens the door so he can come in. "Something important, Lieutenant?" Robert immediately notices her subtly annoyed manner, which is why he folds his arms as he leans against the wall. "You still seem a little confused, is it because of the call 2 Days ago?

"Um...probably? Listen Robert...I still have..-" Andy is scurrying through some protocols but Sullivan suddenly puts his hand on them to stop Andy.

"It's been over a year since the divorce, I hope you're looking forward. I plan on marrying Chief Ross." Andy unconsciously looks up at him in annoyance and surprise.

"Todas las cosas buenas vienen de tres en tres....huh..." (All good things come in threes), Andy speaks clearly unimpressed.

"Hablas en serio, Andy?" (Are you serious?), Sullivan looks at her blankly. "You have to say that..." Sullivan huffs.

Now Andy looks at him pretty pissed. "Qué!? ok enought...go! Out of my office!"

"Andy I..-"..

"you are dismissed, now Lieutenant Sullivan!"

With a disappointed face he leaves the office, slamming the door.

"uuurgh" she growls to herself and puts her face in her hand, the other on her hip. The Team who finished breakfast, including you, heard almost the entire discussion.

"Is there something going on between the two of them?" you look at the Team questioningly.

"It was more like...they were married and have been divorced for over a year," Travis says, shaking his head.

"But...wasn't Captain Herrera still a lieutenant and subordinate to Sullivan, who was captain?"

"I still don't understand why they got married so quickly." Vic shrugs her shoulders.

"They were happy, it just didn't worked anymore." Warren speaks in a calm voice to mediate and change the subject. "come with me probie, the hoses need to be cleaned"

Your gaze wanders to Andy in the office, but when she suddenly looks at you and stares directly into your eyes, you jump and quickly follow Warren, while Andy looks after you in confusion.

When you get to the barn, you clean the hoses, completely lost in thought. //well...despite her low rank, the captain now was dating the captain at the past...even married.// The rest of the day was pretty quiet, only a few calls were received and so everyone was able to get some rest.

At least 8 weeks passed and you have slowly but surely settled into the station. Everyone on the team genuinely supports you and Andy is slowly but surely coming to terms with her position as captain. Winter has arrived and things are also rather quiet between Andy and Sullivan. Both are focused on their work.

In the last few weeks it's just been staring. Andy knows the rules. In order not to risk anything, she tries to avoid anything conspicuous towards you and nothing more than a sweet smile happens between you.

-Aid Car19, L19, EMS19-

"Ok guys! Montgomery and Warren Aid Car, Hughes and Bishop L19! Y/N, you're coming with me! According to the interim situation report, there are several hikers who got separated and some drivers who can't get out of the snow. Act quickly and precisely. In this cold weather you all need every single bit of energy you can save!

"Always go in a team of two, never alone! If you get lost here, any rescue might come too late...". Everyone gets into their vehicles, including you and me into the EMS of the 19.

Congratulation... Captain?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu