Chapter 19 - Keep going

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A beeping in the ear, it's loud, drowning out all the other noises around Andy

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A beeping in the ear, it's loud, drowning out all the other noises around Andy. It feels numb. "FD, we need more support! Bring a turntable ladder and support beams!" Andy carries on as if nothing has happened. But you can't. Everyone can hear your crying, you struggle for air and try to pull yourself together, but you can't.

Bishop is already trying to calm you down. To no avail. The loss hits you with full force. Andy goes to you with a serious expression on her face and grabs you by the shoulders. "Recruit! Pull yourself together, we are in service and every life we can save is much more valuable than every death!" You look at her completely confused and lost, you can't believe what she's saying and yet you understand what she means.

Andy does her best not to lose her composure. She knows that if she gives in to grief now, she will no longer be able to take the lead. You sob and catch your breath again and again. "Come on, let's go now!" Andy tells you, pats your shoulders and together you tackle it. It took another six hours to secure the area. However, you were still able to save some victims. Then it's off to Jack, where the water has to be stopped, and then to Vic and Kate, where help is needed to contain a major fire in a half-timbered house. Andy masters everything with absolute control and mastery. She is a fabulous captain.

The drive back to the 19 station is dead quiet. Bishop drives, Andy sits next to her and you sit in the back next to the covered dead body. The only thing you can hear is you crying quietly. You're all done, dirty and looking like a mess. You look at the covered body, sobbing quietly, which brings tears to Andy's eyes. A fluffy tail and two pointed fluffy ears peek out of the blanket.


You both stand in front of the covered corpse

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You both stand in front of the covered corpse. You pause in silence as Bishop joins you. "She died in the line of duty... she saved a small child. She pulled it out of the rubble and just before she was through, huge and heavy debris fell right on top of her. The child was safe, but there was nothing more we could do for Fortuna...I'm so sorry"

Flashback end

"We bury her in the garden of the 19...." says Andy monotonously. When they arrive, Andy doesn't fiddle for long and grabs a shovel. The two of you go into the small garden together and Andy starts digging. The rest of the 19 join in and want to help Andy, but she shields herself and refuses the help. It takes a good 20 minutes to dig the very deep hole and finally Fortuna is put in there. Andy cries again and again as she fills the hole. When the grave is finished, each of the 19 places a small flower on her grave. You stand with Andy at her grave and enjoy the silence under the starry moonlit sky.

By now it is almost midnight as you both going into the TV room

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By now it is almost midnight as you both going into the TV room. You cuddle up together on the couch, eat a snack and let the TV play quietly in the background as someone stands in the doorway. It's Maya with her little 3-day-old daughter Lavinia. "Hey, who's visiting us? She's with you?" Andy asks Maya. "Carina is really tired from breastfeeding all the time, so I grabbed her to give her a break."

Maya sits down in the armchair opposite you and you both can't help but take a good look at her. "wow she really looks like Carina too, I can already hear her Italian" Andy jokes and you have to laugh. "heeey, come and see Aunt Y/N" you say and take little Lavinia in your arms. Her face is perfect, round, sweet and big passionate eyes like her mom. You start swaying her, talking or babbling to her and then look at Andy. "here..."

"what me? no..." Andy waves her hands slowly in denial but you push Lavinia into Andys arms. "heeey........" Andy stares at her with a smile and can't help but gently sway the little potatoface back and forth. Andy is fully absorbed in the role of mom, which you can't help but smile at. Andy is always sweet and familiar with children. Maya and you suddenly look nervous and insecure as you see Andy's eyes well up with tears. "I'll take her off you, I'm sorry!" says Maya. "No, it's okay..." she continues to sway her lovingly.

"That's exactly what she needs right now!" suddenly comes from Vic, who is standing in the doorway

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"That's exactly what she needs right now!" suddenly comes from Vic, who is standing in the doorway. Andy leans back comfortably and cuddles Lavinia closer to her, who only grumbles contentedly and cuddles up to Andy as well. After a while, Andy falls asleep with Lavinia and Maya opposite her. To be on the safe side, you take the little one in your arms, in which she continues to sleep comfortably, and show her around, first in the entrance area to look at pictures of the deceased heroes and then in the Beanery. "I heard your mom used to be a great captain! There's also our captain. She's strict but fair!" You're telling Lavinia one story after another when you suddenly hear someone coming. "Looks really good on you... a baby like that," it's Carina who has to look after you. "you here at this hour? it's one o'clock at night" you are a little embarrassed by her words and turn away a little as you speak to get something from the fridge. "Maya hasn't answered, the baby isn't here either, so I was worried and had to stop by," she says, greeting her little daughter.

"Mio dolce angioletto, vieni dalla mamma". (my sweet little angel, come to mama) she sways Lavinia back and forth and you watch her quietly and happily. "We would like to have children, but I don't know yet how and when..." you say to expand the topic further. "well, I'm a specialist, I can help whenever you want" "That's kind of you. I'm sure Andy would want it too" you drink something from your bottle. "I'll ask you when I get the chance," you say, yawning. "Do that, and when you're ready, let me know, we'll get it done"

You look at her happily and together you go to the sleepyheads. You both have to laugh and Carina wakes Maya. Together, they go to get ready, which also wakes Andy up. She startles to look around for Lavinia and you explain that Maya head back with Carina. "The little one is really adorable..."you say, Andy's gaze in love and wistful. "Yes, you get baby fever seeing such little potatos" You laugh at her words and look at her in love. "Sounds like someone wants a firestation baby..." Andy looks at you silently. "Look at you... you look so in love at the thought of having a little cariño..."

You look deep into each other's eyes and you caress her face with your hand.

"A baby....." Andy whispers.

"a baby," you say after her and Andy smiles at you.

"I want a baby with my wonderful wife," Andy whispers softly to you.

"Then let's make a baby"

AN: Seems like a Firestation niño is coming🤭 Who will be pregnant? Will there even be someone pregnant? The new Era of the Herrera starts and is also the first little hint of my next new book I'm looking forward.❤️

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