Chapter 22 - Brother and best Friend

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"So, I have to take blood again Andy, that will take two to three days because we are currently overcrowded in the laboratory. "It's okay, it won't be anything bad..." you reassure Andy and Carina takes blood from her again . "All clear, all other values ​​are in order so far. Go home and rest. You seem to have caught a cold too," she says and you both get ready to go home. Before you do, you stop by the ward to pick up the baby when the woman from the mediators is suddenly there too. "I am frightened, it seems as if the baby is being looked after by others here," she says sternly and questioningly.

"Well, we are firefighters and a family, she has everyone here who loves her!" says Andy and picks her up. "I understand, so far she seems to be doing well and when you look at her like that, she seems happy with it..." She offers you her hand and you hesitate, looking at her confused.

"Now that means what...?" She shakes your hand. "Congratulations, I knew from the start that she was in good hands, I just wanted to see it with my own eyes! She's now officially one of you!" you are speechless and look at Andy, who also looks completely perplexed. "You mean..." Andy starts. "Yes, she's a Herrera now! Have fun with her. I'll finish the papers and get in touch again in the next few days." You nod happily and when the woman is gone you can hear the whole 19 clapping, happily greeting the newest member of the 19. "Congratulations you two" says Travis and hugs you, just like Vic and the others "Wow....Mama Herrera...I can't believe that" says Vic and almost jumps around for joy.

"Does she actually have a name yet? Warren asks. Andy looks at the little one and then at you. "Come on, you already know a name, don't you?" you say and stroke the little girl on the head. Andy pauses for a moment and takes a breath. "How about Angel?" everyone immediately looks delighted and nods happily. "Sounds wonderful," Vic says and the others join in, quietly celebrating the little moment.

"So Angel," you say and smile. "Then she has to be baptized now, as an official fire brigade baby!" Travis goes to the fridge and looks for a suitable drink. "Oh God Travis but if you come with the tomato juice now I'll drown you with it!" Andy admits and everyone laughs. It's hard to believe but finally being a mom seems so crazy.

Andy gives you Angel in your arms and is visibly shaken. " really have to go home" you say and look around, but Andy says no. "Not until she's been baptized... look in the back cupboard... I still have some vodka from last time. My father would turn in his grave if the little newby wasn't baptized," she laughs with lots of strengh and sits down. "OK, but then go straight home!" Warren almost scolds.

"So then!? On behalf of all of the are officially a new member of Station 19!" Jack opens the bottle and you hold it horizontally so that a few drops drip down her head without harming her. Everyone takes a sip of the vodka, but when Jack offers Andy a cup, she weakly refuses. "What? That would be especially good for you now," he jokes and looks intensely into Andy's eyes. He knows his best friend and sister very well. "Okay, it's time to go's getting late anyway and the captain should rest" you say and you get ready together. Completely sweaty and barely present, Andy rides next to you in the passenger seat. "You really look like shit" You both just laugh quietly and finally arrive home.

Andy is visibly in worse shape and the first thing she does is snuggle up in bed with a blanket. "I'll make us some light food for need something to regain your strength." But Andy says no and looks at you confused. "I'd rather have some ice cream..." she says quietly. You just laugh and grab a tub of the ice cream from your freezer. "Oh looks like we'll have to search for a house soon if we keep growing...." you joke with yourself, not yet realizing how right you'll be.

"here...but slowly, otherwise you'll get sick" you hand her the ice cream and put Angel in her bed after she also gets her bottle. Then you want to take a shower when you see how much Andy is shaking. "You should take the medicine, dear..." you sit down next to Andy with a glass of water. The sight of her is frightening. She lies in bed completely sweaty, shaking and burning hot. "Take this.." you hand her the pill and the glass of water, she takes it and then you get up to grab your cell phone. The number you dial is Carina's. Despite the time, she answers. Luckily, she's still in the hospital and greets you on her cell phone.

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