Chapter 25 - Hold on I still need you

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The roar of the engine dies away as Robert and Andy come to a halt at the Traffic light and wait for it to change. "I suppose you'll tell your wife straight away?" he asks, concentrating on the road. "I love her, I don't want to jeopardize our marriage and be honest...and yet...there has been a slip-up before. I have to finally take responsibility and realize what a great wife I have. If only she wasn't so overprotective," Andy explains, visibly stressed by the slip-up. "I thought I was grown up enough but apparently not...or I'm broken" she looks out of the window. "well, I really should have stopped, but in my defense, you were so direct that it was almost impossible to say no. Weeks without sex and then you Andy...hmpf...not a good combination" he says the last words more quietly, a hint of longing in them.

"Those damn hormones...I'm talking to her. But she also has to realize that she can't go on like this....and still.... sleep with you..." she interrupts and Sullivan continues. "that was a terrible idea"

 "that was a terrible idea"

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"That wont happen again. From now on it's over, it can't go on like this. I'm actually happy with Y/N." Sullivan looks at Andy, who returns his gaze and they both pause. "No matter what happens Andy...I'm here" he makes it clear and finally they both arrive at your and Andy's home. She gets out and you open the door, alone without Angel. It's already late in the evening. "Andy!" you come running to her and hug her, who returns your hug, but there is this feeling of incongruity. As if there's something unsaid. You look at Sullivan and then back at Andy. "You were with him?" Andy nods silently and looks back to Robert with a quick wave to say goodbye, who then drives off, but not too far away. He suspects nothing good and stays on call. When you get inside, Angel is already asleep and you sit down on the couch with Andy.

"listen...Andy, I'm sorry I've been so different since your pregnancy, more careful. I'm just afraid something will happen to you or the babies again. I've seen you so lost before and that's the last thing I want to go through again. I love you, I really do and I promise I'll curb it" you say, looking at her the whole time. "that's nice to hear Y/N...I love you too. I didn't want to run away today. But I needed...some air to breathe" she says and keeps quiet for now, happy that you're showing some understanding.

"Are you hungry?" you ask, but Andy answers in the negative. She gets up to get a drink of water. "Does that mean we're getting closer again? I'm a hormonal tailcoat and it's hard to stop it all..." she says and you pause. "I'm sorry Andy, if anything happens, I'll never be able to forgive myself..." Andy looks at you, perplexed. "You said you wanted to slow down, but you won't let that happen? I know my body, nothing can happen!" She hisses at you and you can feel her displeasure. "I don't want you to do stupid things and hurt the babies because of it, got it?!" you argue and are startled when Andy slams the bottle on the table.

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