Chapter 24 - Hormonal chaos or broken?

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"too open for my taste..." Andy looks around the large room and snorts. "You want more privacy?" you ask her and sit down on the couch in the house. "well....three kids, at some point we need time for ourselves. But it's all one room. Hallway, kitchen, dining area and living room," she says, looking at the stairs leading up. "but I think the stairs and the top floor are great." You sway Angel and look at the stairs too. "It's also safer with a stair guard," you say, sitting down next to Andy. "Do you need a break? This is already the fourth house today" Andy rolls her eyes, annoyed. "I'm fine..." she stands up and stretches. "I'm just saying, you should take care of yourself" you worry, but Andy looks visibly more annoyed. "I already take care of myself enough! I'm already working less and only doing the safe things, but I'm not going to stop completely. Let alone just lying around... it's driving me crazy," says Andy irritably.

"I understand that, but you have to think about the twins! Our twins!" Andy opens the door and, impulsive as she is, she leaves the house in the direction of the car. "Andy! Just wait!" You hurry after her with Angel and get into the car too.

When you get home, you get out of the car with Angel. Andy looks at her cell phone and taps on it.

"Are you coming?" you ask her, but Andy hesitates, turns the engine back on and looks at you.

"I'll be back later..." without you being able to say anything, she drives off and you look after her worriedly. "Andy!" you shout and take a worried breath. "Your mom isn't just a little fire when she's pregnant...more like a real big fire, huh?" you look at Angel and smile. Andy gets irritable super fast and has been struggling with mood swings a lot more since she got pregnant. The mood is tense and yet loving. "come on, I'll make us lunch" you go in, not wanting to worry and not realizing what a mistake that was.

Andy stops at a well-known building, large, bright and with a well-known parking lot. She parks, gets out and slams the door in annoyance. When she arrives at the door, she rings the bell and whoever answers is just one person. Her ex-husband. "Andy... come in" He lets her in and closes the door behind her. "uuuuuhhhrr! I'm about to burst Robert! Fourth house alone today, 25 in the last 2 weeks and I'm constantly being told how to look after myself! And because that's not enough of course...." she pauses and Robert listens to her with a grin. "...I haven't had sex since I got pregnant....!" she runs her hands through her hair, stressed, and looks at him questioningly. "what? why are you laughing?" she asks playfully yet seriously. "well, given your mood, one would never guess that you're.... a bit irritable" he jokes and sits down on the couch. Andy follows him and sits down next to him.

"It's just... my wife thinks she's doing me a favor, and I understand her intuition behind it. But no sex just because she's afraid something will happen? Jesus, I won't survive that..." She pouts sweetly and Robert smiles again. "Maybe I'm broken... hormonally broken" she laughs and leans back. "How are the two dwarves?" he puts a hand on the little mini baby bump. Andy looks at him quietly, enjoying his touch. "they're sucking me dry...I'm always hungry," she says with amusement.

"and the 19? Does they even know?" he asks curiously, stroking her belly gently. "Not yet no...and Jack...he somehow suspects that about you. He keeps hinting at it. I don't know if I should or even have to say it. The important thing is that the babies are fine," she says. "You'll make the right decision," he says, looking deep into Andy's eyes. "Since we've been apart, I feel like we understand each other better. You always know what's going on inside me and you're always there when I need someone to cry to..." she says lovingly, not avoiding his gaze in any way. "Don't say things like that to my face...." he whispers softly, but Andy feels too drawn to him, flushed with hormones.

His hand slowly moves up to her, provocatively over her chest, to her neck, which is why Andy closes her eyes. He comes closer to her, so close that she can feel his breath on her neck, but he hesitates, not wanting to go too far. "Friends huh...?" he breathes into her neck, Andy gets goosebumps and gasps for air. "Friends....." she whispers very gently and can't defend herself against him. Robert knows how easy it is to get her in the mood, especially now that she's pregnant, it's easy for Andy to lose control. He stops and sits upright again, gets up and walks towards the kitchen. "You want some food?"

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