Chapter 13 - Clarity

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The next day, Andy is the first to arrive at the Beanery. She makes herself a sandwich, fruit jogs and eats a granola bar on the way to her office. When she wants to go in, she sees you and waits. "Y/N, are you coming in for a moment?"

"Good morning, of course" You follow her with a neutral smile and close the door behind you. "What's up?" Andy sits down, looks down at the ground and takes a breath to collect her thoughts. "I have to tell you something..." You look at her curiously and ignorantly. "The day I was drinking... the evening... I-" Andy wanted to continue, but the first call intervenes. She looks at you and the two of you immediately start running, lining up and the entire team of 19 has to move out.

The 88 has also already arrived on site. Andy immediately goes to see Sullivan for a situation report. "Herrera, Level 5 Deployment! Survivors are still inside. A chemical plant is on fire with rapidly combustible chemicals. Hazard unit is also on site" he says fluently and Herrera nods. "All right, 19 let's go!" She allocates you to the rescue for the survivors. Maya stays in the hydrant supply area and looks at Andy when she realizes that she is dealing with her circulation problems.

"Captain, everything ok?" Maya checks. "Yes... I'm just a little dizzy, it's all right..."

Andy is sweating profusely and breathing with difficulty

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Andy is sweating profusely and breathing with difficulty. "Didn't you eat anything today?" Maya asks, turning on the next fire hydrant. "I did..... actually enough..." Andy is visibly confused by her condition when suddenly a loud explosion is heard and seen. "Oh God!" Andy grabs her walkie talkie. "Montgomery, Y/N, Warren Situation Report, Immediately!"

No answer. "Mongomery, Y/N, Warren I said report! Do you copy!?"

Andy gets nervous and straps on the oxygen cylinder without hesitation. "Andy, don't do that, we need you here!" shouts Maya, but she ignores it. "I was going to tell her this morning! I won't let her die without knowing it!" Maya pauses for a moment and then nods. "It's your responsibility until I get out of here Maya!" With these words, she runs into the black cloud and starts looking for each one. Mongomery is the first one she finds and short after Warren.

Both saved, she looks for you. "Y/N!" The corridors are almost invisible when she finally finds you sitting on the floor. "Y/N! I'm here!" Andy grabs you and notices that your oxygen is as good as used up. "Andy... I..." Your consciousness is fading. "Y/N, please stay with me! Don't fall asleep! Come on, I love you!" she drags you out and takes off your mask. Andy blows into your mouth and you slowly come to Consciousness.

"Oh thank God" Andy supports you to stand up and you hug her. "Thank you..." The others applaud Andy when Sullivan joins them with a subtle jealous expression. "as always in the center Herrera" Andy looks at him annoyed. "I was just doing my job" She takes off her jacket and breaths deeply. "You don't take long... no matter what.." Andy pauses and turns to Sullivan. "How was that?" He snorts condescendingly. "Oh, do you want me to explain?"

"You don't dare..!" The situation becomes more tense when Andy stands directly in front of her ex-husband. "Well, I thought I should explain?" Andy clenches her fists. "You don't have the balls, you wouldn't do that to me... would you!?" The troupe of 19 gathers around the action and is completely unsettled. "Interesting, well, maybe everyone should know what kind of a bitch you are" Andy is about to attack him when she is held down by Maya and you. "Sullivan you bastard... You take that back!" No one has ever seen Andy like this and the crowd is more than excited about the two of them.

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